Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Clematis terniflora [Sweetautumn Clematis] Keeping the root system cool by deep soil preparation and mulch around the base is beneficial. Climbs by twining stems and clasping leaves, so needs trellis or wire support. Extremely vigorous; can engulf an entire structure. Prune out old wood, and dead wood that arises from winter-kill.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Clematis viticella 'Evipo018' [sold as Bourbon™] [Bourbon Clematis] The Bourbon Clematis is a small, compact hybrid that has flowers with large, vibrant red sepals, that develop on both new and old growth. The root system should be kept cool by deep soil preparation and mulching around base. It is said that Clematis prefer "a warm top and a cool bottom". While this is generally true, provide some shade during the day to the top portion for best results. Climbs by twining stems and…
Liana (Climbing Vine) Clematis × 'Warszawska Nike' [Warsaw Nike Clematis] The Warsaw Nike Clematis has large, rich, velvety reddish-purple flowers that develop on both old and new growth. The root system should be kept cool by deep soil preparation and mulching around base. It is said that Clematis prefer "a warm top and a cool bottom". While this is generally true, provide some shade during the day to the top portion for best results. Climbs by twining stems and clasping leaves, so needs a trellis…
Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Euonymus fortunei [Wintercreeper Euonymus] Best in soil that is reasonably moist, either in full sun or shade, but not heavy wet soils. Can be used as a wall climber (possibly climbing up to 70') or groundcover. Subject to Euonymus Scale that can kill some plants, especially 'Vegetus' and 'Coloratus'. Euonymus fortunei is a vigorous vine that invades forest openings and margins. It grows across the ground, displacing herbaceous plants and seedlings and climbs trees high into the tree canopy…
Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' [Coloratus Wintercreeper Euonymus] Can tolerate full sun to full shade. Best in soil that is reasonably moist, but not heavy or wet. Can be used as a wall climber, but is best as a groundcover. This vigorous form turns purplish-plum during the winter months. Can be subject to Euonymus Scale. Euonymus fortunei is a vigorous vine that invades forest openings and margins. It grows across the ground, displacing herbaceous plants and seedlings and climbs trees high into the…
Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Hedera helix [English Ivy] Tolerant of heavy shade to full sun except at the northern limits of its useful range, where some protection from full winter sun is necessary. Useful as a groundcover only, not as a vine, in Zone 5b, except hardiest cultivars in sheltered sites. Vigorous and can be a weed problem in certain regions of the country (like the NW US) where it can smother woodlands. Poisonous fruits, but it generally takes many years for it…
Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Hedera helix 'Baltica' [Baltica English Ivy] 'Baltica' has smaller leaves with more prominent white veination. Foliage becomes tinged with purple in the winter. Tolerant of heavy shade to full sun except at the northern limits of its useful range, where some protection from full winter sun is necessary. Vigorous and can be a weed problem in certain regions of the country (like the NW US) where it can smother woodlands. Poisonous fruits, but it generally takes many years for it to…
Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Hedera helix 'Thorndale' [Thorndale English Ivy] 'Thorndale' is a very hardy cultivar that has large, glossy leaves with striking white veination. Tolerant of heavy shade to full sun except at the northern limits of its useful range, where some protection from full winter sun is necessary. Useful as a groundcover and vine. Vigorous and can be a weed problem in certain regions of the country (like the NW US) where it can smother woodlands. Poisonous fruits, but it generally takes many…
Liana (Climbing Vine) Hydrangea anomala ssp. petiolaris [Climbing Hydrangea] Among the best ornamental vines. Holds to a wall using root-like holdfasts arising from nodes. Grows best in shaded areas. Slow to establish. Best to transplant from a container. Although it can eventaully reach up to 80 feet, its size is controllable, if desired.