Liana (Climbing Vine) Mandevilla × amoena [Mandevilla Vine] The Mandevilla Vine is a vigorous plant that climbs by twining. Can be grown in containers and as a houseplant. 'Alice du Pont' is more common in commerce than the species type.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Pachysandra terminalis [Japanese Spurge] Tolerates full shade, and requires at least partial shade. Does well under shallow-rooted trees with some irrigation. One of the most effective ground covers in resisting encroachment of weeds. Volutella leaf blight can be problem.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Indiana Native Parthenocissus quinquefolia [Virginia Creeper] One of the strongest-climbing vines, given solid support for attachment of the adhesive discs on tendrils (not root). Not a vine for trellises or fences. Tolerates any soil, and sun or shade. Limited value as groundcover.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Parthenocissus tricuspidata [Boston Ivy] One of the strongest-climbing vines, give solid support for attachment of the adhesive discs on tendrils. Not a vine for trellises or fences. Very tolerant of urban soils. Not a good groundcover.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Passiflora caerulea [Blue Passionflower] This is one of the hardiest passion flowers, dying back in colder climates, but hardy to 10 degrees F. (It is suspected that the specimen at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN (USDA zone 5a), is kept alive in the winter by the heat radiated from the greenhouses and building it is planted near.) Plant is evergreen in tropical environments. Extraordinary flowers and tasty, edible fruits (passion fruit). Prefers loose sandy or gravelly soil that…
Liana (Climbing Vine) Schizophragma hydrangeoides [Japanese Hydrangea-vine] The Japanese Hydrangea-vine is a shade tolerant vine within the Hydrangea family. Root-like fixtures, or adhesive rootlets, allow this vine to grow vertically up masonry walls, trellis structures, and sides of buildings. Its flowers are lace-cap hydrangea-like clusters that bloom in mid-June through July.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Vinca major 'Variegata' [Variegated Greater Periwinkle] The Greater Periwinkle is very similar to the Common Periwinkle (Vinca minor), except it is overall larger and less cold hardy, only marginally hardy in USDA zones 5 and 6. 'Variegata' has irregular, creamy white markings along leaf margins. A great evergreen ground cover for shady locations. Spreads quickly after establishment in warmer climates. Does best with regular watering on well-drained soil. Prune back in the spring.
Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Vinca minor [Common Periwinkle] One of the best evergreen ground covers for a shady location. Spreads quickly after establishment. Subject to stem-rot disease when grown vigorously and in wet soil. Also does not like very dry soil and full sun. Does best with regular watering on well-drained soil.
Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea' [Atropurpurea Periwinkle] 'Atropurpurea' is an excellent cultivar that has large, dark plum-purple flowers. One of the best evergreen ground covers for a shady location. Spreads quickly after establishment. Subject to stem-rot disease when grown vigorously and in wet soil. Also does not like very dry soil and full sun. Does best with regular watering on well-drained soil.
Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Vinca minor 'Bowles' [Bowles Periwinkle]