Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Vinca minor 'La Grave' [La Grave Periwinkle] Also known as cultivar 'Bowles', this very common and vigorous variant has large, blue-purple flowers. One of the best evergreen ground covers for a shady location. Spreads quickly after establishment. Subject to stem-rot disease when grown vigorously and in wet soil. Also does not like very dry soil and full sun. Does best with regular watering on well-drained soil.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Vitis × 'Frontenac gris' [Frontenac gris Grape] Vitis x 'Frontenac gris' is a vigorous grape vine that produces grayish-purple berries covered in a waxy bloom. The grapes can be eaten fresh or used in making white wine and desserts. Vitis are generally grown for fruit production, rather than for ornamental purposes. Provide a support for the vine to grow on and shelter from harsh winter winds. Regular training and pruning are required for optimum fruit production. For more specific information on grape…
Liana (Climbing Vine) Wisteria floribunda [Japanese Wisteria] Use plants propagated vegetatively from heavy-flowering clones, as much variation exists in flowering. Some find it difficult to induce flowering. Too much nitrogen may promote more vegetative than flower bud formation. Can damage light-weight supporting structures, as vine can develop several inches in diameter.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' [Amethyst Falls Wisteria] Slower growth, more compact habit, and slightly smaller foliage than the species
Liana (Climbing Vine) Wisteria macrostachya 'Betty Matthews' [sold as Summer Cascade™] [Summer Cascade Wisteria]
Liana (Climbing Vine) Wisteria sinensis [Chinese Wisteria] Tolerant of widely different conditions once established, but this plant does not like being transplanted and establishment is sometimes slow. Once established, though, can even become invasive. Can be pruned as a standard, or pruned nearly to the ground to rejuvenate. Prune after flowering to 6" of main branch, and if pruned later, avoid removing the fatter flower buds that develop later. Needs a strong support structure. Use plants propagated vegetatively from heavy-flowering clones, as…