Campus Feature SIGMA LAMBDA CHI International honor society for construction management. The society of leaders in construction is dedicated to scholarship, leadership, service and community.
Campus Feature Silver Bow Deborah Butterfield gave the title Silver Bow to the horse that stands in the front of Pao Hall on the Purdue University campus in West Lafayette, IN. As a perennial greeter of students, faculty and staff as they enter the Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Visual and Performing Arts, the horse stands as a sign of the dynamic and vital arts community within the university. Silver Bow was dedicated on April 17, 2010. For…
Campus Feature Spirit Arch The Spirit Arch is the symbol of our passage to a new millennium. This addition to our campus is the result of a joint effort between the Class of 2000 Senior Class Gift and the Visual Arts Committee.
Campus Feature Stadium Parking Lot Bioswales Installing the bioswales at the east side of the stadium parking lot was completed in 2012, after a campuswide stormwater study identified the opportunities at that location. Earlier, because the parking lot had been entirely paved, excess stormwater flowed downhill during heavy rains and cause congestion problems near Ford Dining Court, so that there was a need to divert drainage into adequate infiltration infrastructure. Now, with the constructed bioswales, if rains persist, then the overflow…
Campus Feature Steel Teaching Sculpture This unique art piece donated to Purdue by the American Institute of steel construction doubles as a teaching instrument for the Department of Civil Engineering. As the title of the art piece implies, Steel Teaching Sculpture demonstrates the basic properties of various steel connections. The sculpture is used to illustrate concepts discussed in class lectures and is also used in class laboratory sessions to provide students with a “hands on” example of steel construction.
Campus Feature Steven Claus Beering Monument and Memorial Steven Beering served as Purdue University president from 1983-2000. Steven and Jane Beering, his wife of 58 years, are buried at the top of Slayter Hill on Purdue campus. This monument at their burial site is inscribed with the quotation: “You cannot define or explain Purdue by adding up the sums of classroom space, laboratory equipment, and library holdings. Purdue has a certain character, an essence hat is understood and appreciated only by those who…
Campus Feature Stewart Woods Property Information: 31 acres 1.45 miles of trail No bikes, horses, or motorized vehicles on trails Carry out any trash No painting or defacing of trees Dogs must be on a leash at all times Dr. R.B. Stewart provided use of his 22 acre property in 1951 for “giving training and practice to students and other”. FNR utilized this property heavily for instruction since it was one of the last remaining woods, along with McCormick…
Campus Feature Sycamore Arch The Sycamore Arch created by Ken Thompson is made from limestone and stainless steel; two strong and secure materials which will endure throughout history. These materials represent the strength Purdue University offers students as they travel their educational path.
Campus Feature TAU ALPHA PI National Honor Society for Engineering Technology. Pi Alpha Chapter formed 1976.
Campus Feature The Bent – Tau Beta Pi The Key of Tau Beta Pi. The National All Engineering Scholastic Honor Society. The Indiana Alpha chapter (Purdue University), dates back to April 10, 1893. It is the first chapter founded in Indiana and the third oldest chapter nationwide.