Locate Specific Plants

The Purdue Arboretum Explorer is a powerful database that allows users to access information about collection which contains over 40,000 plants on the Purdue West Lafayette campus.


Tips For Entering a Search Name

Enter All or Part of the Plant Name Only

Enter all or part of the plant name – at least 3 letters. Avoid extra descriptive words like “New”, “Bush”, “Tree” etc.

Enter Concise Names, Partial Names or Only the Cultivar Name, If You Know It

Your search will be faster and fewer unwanted results will be returned if you make your search entry more concise.  For example, suppose you are looking for Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Longwood Blue.’ You could enter the entire name and the plant would be found. Or you could simply enter Longwood Blue, and the plant would also be found. If you were unsure how to spell Caryopteris, you could simply enter: Car Longwood Blue, and the plant would also be found. The more concise you make your search entry, the less chance for a spelling error. Also, note that single quotes around the names of cultivars are not required.

Enter Either the Common or Scientific Name 

You can enter either common or scientific names. But, keep in mind there are several versions of common names, and they can vary regionally. So, not all versions of a common name may yield the desired results. 

If Unsure of Spelling, Use the Popup Selection Lists

 If you are unsure of the spelling of a plant name, use the popup selection lists of scientific and common names.


The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

Purdue Arboretum, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr, West Lafayette, IN, 47907
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