In each season, there is an opportunity to experience something beautiful at the campus arboretum.
Spring time transforms the campus landscape into a splendid display of vibrant colors. The new leaves and blossoms in spring give way to a peaceful summer landscape beneath the shade of our stately trees throughout campus. Autumn at the arboretum is one of the most unique and colorful times to visit. Our mature collection of trees provides an outstanding palette of golds, yellows, and reds that illuminate the Purdue campus from September to November. Winter brings subtle beauty to the landscape. Evergreens, tree barks, and persistent fruits all add interest throughout the winter season. These tours feature seasonal highlights of our collection.
Seasonal Highlight Self-Guided Tours
- Spring – Ruby Red Horsechestnut, Purple Leaf Eastern Redbud, Mountain Clematis, Double Japanese Kerria, Malus x, Fiveleaf Akebia, Southern Catalpa, Flowering Quince, Fringetree, Lilac, Wisteria, Weigela
- Fall – Autumn Flame Maple, Bloodgood Japanese Maple, Bottlebrush Buckeye, Brilliant Red Chokeberry, Smokebush, Ginkgo, Osage Orange, Pink Flair Sargent Cherry, Scarlet Oak, Sassafras, Japanese Stewartia, Zelkova serrata
- Winter – Redosier Dogwood, Paperbark Maple, Sycamore, Lacebark Pine, River Birch, Yellow Birch, American Hornbeam, Baldcypress, Kousa Dogwood, Yellowwood, Meserve Holly, Cotoneaster