Campus Feature Envious Composure Envious Composure by Albert Paley, is part of a series of thirteen large sculptures installed along Park Avenue in New York City in 2013 and served as the cover image for the book Albert Paley on Park Avenue. The work displays a constrained energy, twisting and turning in space, the forms coiling into themselves creating a sense of tightly wound tension. Made of polychromed steel, it stands at a little over eighteen feet tall and…
Campus Feature Gateway to the Future Located at the north end of Stadium Mall near Armstrong Hall, "Gateway to the Future" symbolizes the future for Purdue students and graduates. When students walk through the arch, they take charge of their futures and step into new beginnings which Purdue University has prepared them for.
Campus Feature Guardians of the Bond Bison Sculpture This 5-foot-tall, 8-foot-long fiberglass bison sculpture, painted by West Lafayette artist Elizabeth Lincourt, is being sponsored by the Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine as part of the Indiana Bison-Tennial Public Art Project. More information on Purdue News Website.
Campus Feature John Purdue statue A bronze statue of Purdue's benefactor and namesake soon will sit quietly on a bench near University Hall -- as the man once did himself almost 140 years ago. This April, a statue of John Purdue with a regal cane and an open book will be placed on a new bench. Located east of University Hall and south of Memorial Fountain and John Purdue's grave, the bench will read, "For John Purdue, education was the…
Campus Feature John Wooden statue Artist: Julie Rotblatt-Amrany of Highwood, Illinois. For more information
Campus Feature Kaikoo VI This sculpture, created by artist Betty Gold, was brought to Purdue by the University Visual Arts Committee. It was installed in 1987 and has moved to various locations around campus. Kaikoo VI is an abstract sculpture of bisecting rectangles, triangles, and half-circles (both positive and negative shapes). It is constructed from cold-rolled steel and painted red.
Campus Feature Limits Featured at Pickett Park, this sculpture is named " Limits ". The artist is Joey Manson who specializes in outdoor and public art. The abstract sculpture represents barriers involved in disabilities, relationships, and movement. More information on the Joey Manson Website.
Campus Feature Man and Technology Artist: Don Lawler A monumental 13 foot hand made of limestone with gears and wires underneath. This piece, located in Pickett park, entices users to climb into the palm and view the campus from a new perspective.
Campus Feature Neil Armstrong Statue This bronze sculpture of Purdue alumnus Neil Armstrong by Chas Fagan depicts Armstrong as an undergraduate student of the 1950s. He is sitting on a stone plinth and wearing a windbreaker, Oxford shirt, khaki pants and penny loafers. His right hand is on a small stack of books, and his slide rule is removed from the case and ready for use. Armstrong, the first man to land on the moon, is gazing over his left…