Armory Parking Lot Pervious Pavement and Bioswales

Purdue University’s Armory building dates back to 1928, when it was rebuilt after a fire, and currently houses several clubs, fundraisers, and other events on campus (including Boiler Gold Rush). Although the asphalt parking lot is not porous, there are concrete strips at the head of two of the three main aisles and a series of bioswales to drain excess stormwater into the ground. During heavy rainfall, stormwater is diverted to the university pond through this system of pervious paving and bioswales, completed in 2010. The campus wide stormwater study, published in 2010, identified parking lots such as the Armory lot as particularly good sites both because of the potential to capture a lot of what otherwise would be 100% runoff, as well as their visibility to the public. Office of University Sustainability

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The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

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