FNR Hardwood – American Sycamore

Platanus occidentalis


American Sycamore, or Plantanus occidentalis L., is a fast growing tree, but is not commonly used. Sycamore is used for furniture, drawer parts, pallets, and butcher blocks. The heartwood is a dark to reddish brown and the sapwood is whitish to light yellow. The rays are numerous and conspicuous to the eye.

Looking at the panels on the walls from left to right, board one is clear and all sapwood. Board two contains both heartwood and sapwood. Board three shows a streaked diagonal appearance along its length. Board four shows heartwood and sapwood as well as a knot. Board five shows damage from the Columbian Timber Beetle. This beetle bores into flood prone timber because the timber will carry a fungus.


Since the lumber is not highly valued, Sycamore has generally been used for drawer parts and pallets. Sycamore was once very commonly used for butcher blocks.

Color & Texture

The heartwood is a dark to reddish brown and the sapwood is whitish to light yellow, sometimes pink. The wood can be discolored easily by oxidation and fungal stain if not properly handled while green. Interlocked grain is present, so processing problems can occur.

Anatomical and Microscopy

Sycamore sanded face, image courtesy of The Wood Database
Image courtesy of https://www.wood-database.com/sycamore/
10x magnification of sycamore end grain, image courtesy of The Wood Database
Image courtesy of https://www.wood-database.com/sycamore/

Diffuse-porous; small to medium pores, numerous; solitary and in radial multiples and clusters; tyloses occasionally present, though not easily seen with lens; growth rings distinct due to lighter color of latewood and decreased pore frequency; medium to very wide rays easily visible without lens, noded, wide spacing; parenchyma rare or absent.

Wood Properties

Intermediate to good in turning and boring. Interlocked grain causes poor rating in shaping and very poor in planning.
Lower strength when compared to other hardwoods.
Steam Bending
Poor choice
Mild schedule due to ease of warping and twisting
No resistance to decay


American Sycamore is used for drawer slides, concealed furniture parts, furniture, pallets, creates, and butcher blocks.

Building Map...


The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

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