Campus Feature Amphibolite with Granite Inclusions Part of the EASP Geology Walk Information Still Needed Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Campus Feature Amphibolite with Granitic Inclusions Part of the EASP Geology Walk Information Still Needed Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Campus Feature Chert Breccia Breccia is a detrital sedimentary rock composed of gravel-sized fragments. Breccia is very similar to conglomerate; however, the pieces that make up breccia are sharp and angular whereas conglomerates have rounded particles. Breccia’s sharp particles indicate that the rock has not traveled very far from its origin so the angles of the particles have not been worn down. This particular specimen is made from the sedimentary rock chert, and is therefore called chert breccia. Department…
Campus Feature EAPS Rock Display Educational Rock Display by Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences. A. Sedimentary Rocks A1 - Sand/Siltstone A2 - Chert A3 - Cemented Terrace Rock A4 - Dolomite B. Metamorphic Rocks B1 - Gneiss B2 - Gneiss B3 - Slate Sample B4 - Quartzite B5 - Gneiss B6 - Gneiss C. Igneous Rocks C1 - Granite C2 - Granite C3 - Columnar Basalt C4 - Granite C5 - C6 - Granite C7 - Basalt with…
IndoorCampus Feature FNR Hardwood – American Basswood Tilia Americana Summary Basswood is similar to the maples and ash in that it is the light-colored sapwood which is usually preferred. The color of the sapwood can vary from a very white color to a very light brown or flesh color. Board 1 represents the best material the species has to offer. There is very little grain pattern, and the wood can be easily dented with a fingernail. Small brown pin knots are evident.…
IndoorCampus Feature FNR Hardwood – American Beech Fagus grandifolia Summary Beech is a uniform grained wood and one of the most dense species presented here. It is low valued. The white sapwood is preferred. Young healthy trees will have wide, white sapwood and red-brown colored heartwood. Board 1 shows a characteristic flat sawn grain pattern. Boards 2 and 3 show small characteristic knots. Board 3 also shows the lightered colored sapwood in contrast to the heartwood. Board 4 shows a spalting pattern…
IndoorCampus Feature FNR Hardwood – American Chestnut Castanea dentate Summary American chestnut may have been the most important hardwood species in North America, but also the most ill-fated species. The tree is capable of rapid growth, attains a good size, and produces durable wood. The bark was used for tannin, and the chestnuts were a favorite of man and wildlife. Unfortunately, in 1904, a chestnut blight disease was introduced in New York. Within 50 years, the disease had spread throughout the entire…
IndoorCampus Feature FNR Hardwood – American Elm Ulmus Americana Summary This panel shows several different features of elm. Board 1 is a heavy rock elm; Boards 2, 3, and 5 are American elm. The heartwood in all four boards is a light tan color, and the sapwood is lighter as seen in the first piece. However, American and rock elm stain easily, and the lumber can be discolored by stain. Board 1 (rock elm) and Board 3 (American elm) are high quality…
IndoorCampus Feature FNR Hardwood – American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Summary American Sycamore, or Plantanus occidentalis L., is a fast growing tree, but is not commonly used. Sycamore is used for furniture, drawer parts, pallets, and butcher blocks. The heartwood is a dark to reddish brown and the sapwood is whitish to light yellow. The rays are numerous and conspicuous to the eye. Looking at the panels on the walls from left to right, board one is clear and all sapwood. Board two…
IndoorCampus Feature FNR Hardwood – Black Cherry Prunus Serotina Summary Black Cherry, or Prunus serotina, has been used for a variety of things throughout history, with the most common use being fine furniture and cabinets. Cherry used to be used as a substitute for mahogany. Black cherry is usually a light pink color to dark red-brown, though the color will darken with exposure to sunlight. Cherry is one of our most beautiful and highly prized woods. When first machined, the heartwood color…