Liana (Climbing Vine) Allamanda cathartica [Golden Trumpet] Can be grown as a small shrub if pruned regularly. Quite tolerant of many soil types. Full sun needed for maximum flower show. All Allamandas are poisonous. Caterpillars and mites can be problematic. Not salt tolerant. 'Hendersonii' is most often planted, while 'Yellow Butterflies' is compact with many large yellow flowers.
Shrub Fothergilla major [Large Fothergilla] Although much larger (up to 10' tall), Fothergilla major is quite similar to Fothergilla gardenii (Dwarf Fothergilla), and is a very useful and adaptable shrub. It has unique, fragrant, bottle-brush flowers and spectacular fall foliage. Chlorosis develops in high pH soil.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Mandevilla × amoena [Mandevilla Vine] The Mandevilla Vine is a vigorous plant that climbs by twining. Can be grown in containers and as a houseplant. 'Alice du Pont' is more common in commerce than the species type.
Shrub Nerium oleander [Oleander] Has high salt and wind tolerance, and is somewhat drought tolerant. Excellent visual barrier. All parts of this plant are poisonous to humans, even smoke is a serious irritant. Oleander caterpillar can be a problem. Many cultivars, including 'Hardy Red,' which has red flowers and is hardy to 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
Shrub/Tree InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Rhamnus cathartica [Common Buckthorn] Tolerates most sites. Dioecious. Very invasive, by the seeds that birds love to eat; probably best to refrain from planting this species in the landscape. Susceptible to rusts (Puccinia coronata), that also attacks oats (in oat growing areas, buckthorn eradication is recommended). The bark, leaves, and fruit were once used in purgatives, thus one of this plant's common names, "Purging Buckthorn".
Tree Ulmus minor [Smoothleaf Elm] Moderate resistance to the Dutch elm disease pathogen, Ophiostoma ulmi, which has led to the near extinction of the American Elm (Ulmus americana) in the U.S.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Vinca major 'Variegata' [Variegated Greater Periwinkle] The Greater Periwinkle is very similar to the Common Periwinkle (Vinca minor), except it is overall larger and less cold hardy, only marginally hardy in USDA zones 5 and 6. 'Variegata' has irregular, creamy white markings along leaf margins. A great evergreen ground cover for shady locations. Spreads quickly after establishment in warmer climates. Does best with regular watering on well-drained soil. Prune back in the spring.