Shrub Buddleia davidii [Butterfly-Bush] The Butterfly-Bush is valued for its profusion of attractive, fragrant purple flowers and long bloom period that can even stretch into October. The flowers of this large, tough shrub attract a considerable amount of butterflies. This plant tolerates clay soil, and drought once established, but is not tolerant of wet soils. To maintain vigor and flower size, it is recommended to give this plant a hard prune or prune to the ground in early spring,…
Shrub Buddleia davidii 'Miss Molly' [Miss Molly Butterfly-Bush] The Miss Molly Butterfly-Bush is valued for its profusion of attractive, fragrant deep pink to red flowers and long bloom period that can even stretch into October. The flowers of this large, tough shrub attract a considerable amount of butterflies. This plant tolerates clay soil, and drought once established, but is not tolerant of wet soils. To maintain vigor and flower size, it is recommended to give this plant a hard prune or prune to…
Shrub Buddleia davidii 'Peakeep' [sold as Peacock™] [Peacock Butterfly-Bush] The Peacock Butterfly-Bush is a compact, dwarf cultivar and is valued for its profusion of attractive, fragrant pinkish-purple flowers and long bloom period that can even stretch into October. The flowers of this shrub attract a considerable amount of butterflies. This plant tolerates clay soil, but is not tolerant of wet soils. To maintain vigor and flower size, it is recommended to give this plant a hard prune or prune to the ground in early…
Shrub Buddleia davidii 'Tobudpipur' [sold as Buzz Magenta] [Buzz Magenta Improved Butterfly Bush] The Buzz Magenta Improved Butterfly Bush is connected ecologically as it attracts wildlife. The flower clusters have a strong fragrance and attract hummingbirds and butterflies.
Shrub Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' [White Profusion Butterfly-Bush] The White Profusion Butterfly-Bush is notable for its densely borne, attractive, fragrant white flowers and long bloom period that can even stretch into October. At up to 6 feet high and wide, this cultivar is smaller than the straight species. The flowers of this tough shrub attract a considerable amount of butterflies. This plant tolerates clay soil, and drought once established, but is not tolerant of wet soils. To maintain vigor and flower size, it…