Tree Abies concolor 'Blue Select' [Blue Select White Fir] Better adapted to hot, dry summers than most other firs. 'Blue Select' is noted for its intense blue upright needles.
Tree Abies concolor 'Conica' [Conica White Fir] 'Conica' is a narrow habit white fir, with a spread reaching 10-15' wide. Similar to Picea pungens f. glauca in color and general form, but less positive, and easier to use in a variety of situations. Better adapted to hot, dry summers than most other firs, but prefers cooler cilmates.
Tree Abies fraseri [Frasier Fir] Can suffer in hot, dry situations, but performs better in drier conditions than Abies balsamea (Balsam Fir). This species has become a popular Christmas tree.
Tree Acer × freemanii [Freeman Maple] Stemming from its Silver Maple parentage, this hybrid is an extremely fast grower and tolerant plant, able to withstand drought conditions and heavy soils, which the Red Maple, its other parent, cannot. However, the Freeman Maple has more of the strength in wood of the Red Maple.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Celzam' [sold as Celebration®] [Celebration Freeman Maple] 'Celzam' has a classic upright form with uniform growth, making for a great specimen tree in the landscape. This plant, like most Freeman hybrids, is generally seedless and is also known for its fall color. In early October, 'Celzam' becomes a brilliant red and then slowly changes to gold by late October.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Jeffersred' [sold as Autumn Blaze®] [Autumn Blaze Maple] This cultivar is among the best for fall foliage of both Red and hybrid Red Maples. It is an extremely fast grower and appears to be more drought tolerant than most Acer rubrum cultivars. 'Jeffersred', is often sold under the tradmark name, Autumn Blaze.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Marmo' [Marmo Freeman Maple] The Marmo Maple has similar characteristics to its Silver Maple parent, more so than to its Red Maple parent. This cultivar produces staminate flowers, and therefore is seedless. 'Marmo' fall color ranges from reds to greens. Once established, it becomes tolerant to most pests and disease.
Tree Acer grandidentatum 'Schmidt' [sold as Rocky Mountain Glow®] [Rocky Mountain Glow Maple] Acer grandidentatum is closely related to Acer saccharum (the Sugar Maple), which it is often compared to. This variant stands out due to its more upright form, smaller size, and its brilliant orange-yellow and orange-red fall foliage.
Tree Acer griseum [Paperbark Maple] Slow growth (6-12" per year) is compensated for by longevity and freedom from maintenance. The cinnamon-brown, curly bark is outstanding. Habit is open enough to display bark interest year-round.