Shrub Abelia × grandiflora [Glossy Abelia] Glossy Abelia can develop chlorosis on high pH soils. Yearly pruning is required to remove deadwood and this plant may become leggy with age if not killed back in winter.
Tree Abies balsamea [Balsam Fir] Used mainly as a specimen tree and popular as a Christmas tree. Does not hold its needles very long in a dry house and for this reason is no as desirable as pines. In youth it looks good but under hot, dry conditions may lose he older needles and become open and unkempt.
Tree Abies fraseri [Frasier Fir] Can suffer in hot, dry situations, but performs better in drier conditions than Abies balsamea (Balsam Fir). This species has become a popular Christmas tree.
Tree Acer × freemanii [Freeman Maple] Stemming from its Silver Maple parentage, this hybrid is an extremely fast grower and tolerant plant, able to withstand drought conditions and heavy soils, which the Red Maple, its other parent, cannot. However, the Freeman Maple has more of the strength in wood of the Red Maple.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Armstrong' [Armstrong Red Maple] The Armstrong Red Maple is a cross between Acer rubrum and Acer saccharinum and is known for its columnar habit and brilliant red to red-orange fall coloration. This species has the durability of the Silver Maple and can tolerate urban conditions. The root system is less aggressive, though, so it can be planted as a street tree.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Celzam' [sold as Celebration®] [Celebration Freeman Maple] 'Celzam' has a classic upright form with uniform growth, making for a great specimen tree in the landscape. This plant, like most Freeman hybrids, is generally seedless and is also known for its fall color. In early October, 'Celzam' becomes a brilliant red and then slowly changes to gold by late October.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Jeffersred' [sold as Autumn Blaze®] [Autumn Blaze Maple] This cultivar is among the best for fall foliage of both Red and hybrid Red Maples. It is an extremely fast grower and appears to be more drought tolerant than most Acer rubrum cultivars. 'Jeffersred', is often sold under the tradmark name, Autumn Blaze.