Shrub Abelia × grandiflora [Glossy Abelia] Glossy Abelia can develop chlorosis on high pH soils. Yearly pruning is required to remove deadwood and this plant may become leggy with age if not killed back in winter.
Shrub Indiana Native Aronia melanocarpa [Black Chokeberry] This Indiana native shrub is similar to the Red Chokeberry in habit and form, but differs in that the Black Chokeberry is larger, has black-colored fruits, broader leaves, and generally larger flowers. Place in a higher light location for the best flower and fruit display. Best used for naturalizing, mass plantings, and wetland reclamation projects. The berries are edible, but only palatable when used in jellies and jams.
Shrub Aronia melanocarpa 'Autumn Magic' [Autumn Magic Black Chokeberry] The Autumn Magic Black Chokeberry is known for its outstanding bright purple to red to orange fall color, compact form, and large, attractive fruits. Place in a higher light location for the best flower and fruit display. Best used for naturalizing, mass plantings, and wetland reclamation projects. The berries are edible, but only palatable when used in jellies and jams.
Shrub Cornus alba [Tatarian Dogwood] Grows well in a variety of situations, including wet soil. Easy to transplant. Relatively trouble-free. A three-year pruning cycle improves form, vigor, and winter stem color effect. Cutting all stems 6-12" from ground in late winter has similar effect. Best in mass plantings. Excellent for winter color. Leaf blight can be a problem.
Shrub/Tree Indiana Native Cornus racemosa [Gray Dogwood] The Gray Dogwood is a tough, suckering, deciduous shrub that is native to Indiana and is noted for its small, white flower clusters, white fruits, and persisting red fruit pedicels. Tolerates poor soils (including wet soils), drought, full sun, full shade, and air pollution. Suckers can become a problem if not controlled.
Shrub Indiana Native Cornus sericea [Redosier Dogwood] This plant has red twigs all year round, but the color is especially prominent in winter. Grows well in a variety of situations, including wet soil. Easy to transplant. Relatively trouble-free. A three-year pruning cycle improves form, vigor, and winter stem color effect. Cutting all stems 6-12" from ground in late winter has similar effect. Best in mass plantings. Excellent for winter color. Leaf blights and twig cankers can be problematic.
Shrub Cornus sericea 'Farrow' [sold as Arctic Fire™] [Dwarf Red Twig Redosier Dogwood] This plant has attractive dark red twigs all year round, but the color is especially prominent in winter. Deer resistant. Grows well in a variety of situations, including wet soil. Easy to transplant. Relatively trouble-free. A three-year pruning cycle improves form, vigor, and winter stem color effect. Cutting all stems 6-12" from ground in late winter has similar effect. Best in mass plantings. Excellent for winter color. Leaf blights and twig cankers can be problematic.
Shrub Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' [Yellow Twig Redosier Dogwood] 'Flaviramea' has yellow twigs that are especially prominent in winter. High susceptibility to canker. Grows well in a variety of situations, including wet soil. Easy to transplant. Relatively trouble-free. A three-year pruning cycle improves form, vigor, and winter stem color effect. Cutting all stems 6-12" from ground in late winter has similar effect. Best in mass plantings. Excellent for winter color. Leaf blights and twig cankers can be problematic.
Shrub Cotoneaster dammeri 'Coral Beauty' [Coral Beauty Bearberry Cotoneaster] 'Coral Beauty' is a fast-growing, prostrate (1-2' high), evergreen shrub that makes a good, quick-effect groundcover. It has excellent, glossy evergreen foliage and produces an abundance of coral-red fruits. Unfortunately its appearance tends to become ratty with age.
Shrub Indiana Native Hypericum prolificum [Shrubby St. John's Wort] Hypericum prolificum is a compact, rounded Indiana native shrub. The attractive bright yellow flowers, appearing in summer, are unique and crowned by a dome of many long stamens. This species can suffer in hot and humid environments, causing it to become prone to root rot and wilt.