Tree Abies balsamea [Balsam Fir] Used mainly as a specimen tree and popular as a Christmas tree. Does not hold its needles very long in a dry house and for this reason is no as desirable as pines. In youth it looks good but under hot, dry conditions may lose he older needles and become open and unkempt.
Tree Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis [Canaan Fir] The Canaan Fir is more tolerant of different environmental conditions than many other firs. It can tolerate wetter soils, and because of its later bud break, is more resistant to damage caused by late spring frost. Can be affected by spruce budworms, wooly adelgid, and several canker diseases, as well as deer. This species transplants well.
Tree Abies concolor [White Fir] Similar to Picea pungens f. glauca in color and general form, but less positive, and so easier to use in a variety of situations. Better adapted to hot, dry summers than most other firs.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Armstrong' [Armstrong Red Maple] The Armstrong Red Maple is a cross between Acer rubrum and Acer saccharinum and is known for its columnar habit and brilliant red to red-orange fall coloration. This species has the durability of the Silver Maple and can tolerate urban conditions. The root system is less aggressive, though, so it can be planted as a street tree.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Scarsen' [sold as Scarlet Sentinel®] [Scarlet Sentinel Freeman Maple] This cultivar is a cross between the Red Maple and the Silver Maple, though it's leaves and bark more closely resemble the Silver Maple. It is one of the most adapted maples for southern regions of the country. 'Scarsen' is known for its colorful yellow-orange to orange-red fall foliage and columnar growth form.
Tree Indiana Native Acer negundo [Boxelder] Invasive. Very rough in its appearance due to pinnately compound, coarsely serrate leaves paired with a multi-stemmed, irregular habit. Leaves of young specimens may commonly be mistaken for poison ivy. This tree has limited ornamental value in the landscape and is short lived but also extremely tolerant of site conditions. Wherever this species is grown, expect to encounter boxelder bugs (Leptocoris trivittatus). This common pest feeds on the sap of boxelders and maples and is…
Tree InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen' [Emerald Queen Norway Maple] This cultivar has ascending branches and an oval habit. Best selection of Norway Maples for urban sites. Fast growth rate and shallow root system. Brilliant yellow in the fall. When Norway maple escapes cultivation and invades natural areas it reduces species richness and native tree regeneration by out-competing other trees and understory species for resources, creating dense shade canopies, and spreading rapidly through high seed production. It also releases toxins that reduce the growth and…
Tree Indiana Native Acer rubrum [Red Maple] Tolerant of wet, poorly drained soils and as well as dry conditions. Weak wooded. Intermediate in quality between A. saccharum and A. saccharinum, somewhat prone to breakage in storms, but generally satisfactory. Does not tolerate heavy pollution.
Tree Acer rubrum 'Autumn Spire' [Autumn Spire Red Maple] 'Autumn Spire' has a broad columnar form and brilliant red fall coloration. This cultivar only produces male flowers, so it is fruitless.
Tree Acer rubrum 'Frank Jr.' [sold as Redpointe®] [Redpointe Red Maple] Introduced by Schmit Nursery, Repointe Red Maple is known for pyramidal habit when young, glossy green leaves, and brilliant red fall color. Tolerant of wet, poorly drained soils and as well as dry conditions. Does not tolerate heavy pollution, and is often chlorotic in heavy clay soils.