Tree Acer buergerianum [Trident Maple] Needs training to develop single central leader (if that is desired). Popular street tree in Japan. Cold hardiness varies in seed produced stock. In some cases, fruit set is so high as to deplete foliage. Flaking bicolor bark in gray-brown and orange.
Tree Acer campestre [Hedge Maple] Transplants easily. Pruning may be needed to limb up branches to create a shade or patio tree. Tolerates severe pruning and soil compaction. Can be pruned to become a giant hedge.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Armstrong' [Armstrong Red Maple] The Armstrong Red Maple is a cross between Acer rubrum and Acer saccharinum and is known for its columnar habit and brilliant red to red-orange fall coloration. This species has the durability of the Silver Maple and can tolerate urban conditions. The root system is less aggressive, though, so it can be planted as a street tree.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Celzam' [sold as Celebration®] [Celebration Freeman Maple] 'Celzam' has a classic upright form with uniform growth, making for a great specimen tree in the landscape. This plant, like most Freeman hybrids, is generally seedless and is also known for its fall color. In early October, 'Celzam' becomes a brilliant red and then slowly changes to gold by late October.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Jeffersred' [sold as Autumn Blaze®] [Autumn Blaze Maple] This cultivar is among the best for fall foliage of both Red and hybrid Red Maples. It is an extremely fast grower and appears to be more drought tolerant than most Acer rubrum cultivars. 'Jeffersred', is often sold under the tradmark name, Autumn Blaze.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Marmo' [Marmo Freeman Maple] The Marmo Maple has similar characteristics to its Silver Maple parent, more so than to its Red Maple parent. This cultivar produces staminate flowers, and therefore is seedless. 'Marmo' fall color ranges from reds to greens. Once established, it becomes tolerant to most pests and disease.
Tree Acer × freemanii 'Scarsen' [sold as Scarlet Sentinel®] [Scarlet Sentinel Freeman Maple] This cultivar is a cross between the Red Maple and the Silver Maple, though it's leaves and bark more closely resemble the Silver Maple. It is one of the most adapted maples for southern regions of the country. 'Scarsen' is known for its colorful yellow-orange to orange-red fall foliage and columnar growth form.
Tree Acer grandidentatum [Bigtooth Maple] A densely branched tree with shiny green lobulate leaves on top and silvery beneath. It has a bright fall color of red, yellow, and orange as well as yellow corymbose flowers in spring. The samaras resemble moth wings.
Tree Indiana Native Acer negundo [Boxelder] Invasive. Very rough in its appearance due to pinnately compound, coarsely serrate leaves paired with a multi-stemmed, irregular habit. Leaves of young specimens may commonly be mistaken for poison ivy. This tree has limited ornamental value in the landscape and is short lived but also extremely tolerant of site conditions. Wherever this species is grown, expect to encounter boxelder bugs (Leptocoris trivittatus). This common pest feeds on the sap of boxelders and maples and is…
Tree InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Acer platanoides [Norway Maple] One of the densest shade trees, widely adaptable to soils and environments, including dry and polluted city conditions. Transplants easily. Extremely dense canopy and shallow root system make it impossible to maintain good turf beneath. Can be a weed problem, especially in cooler parts of the northeast US. Slight susceptibility to verticillium wilt, anthracnose, and leaf scorch. Can be damaged by 2,4-D drift. Does not perform well in southern US (warm nights severely retard growth).…