Flower Notes:
Yellow (Greenish yellow in spring; not ornamentally important)
Foliage Notes:
Green (Clear, dark, glossy foliage with distinctive texture in summer); Multi-Colored (Yellow, orange, to bright red in the late fall, but variable quality)
Stem Notes:
Gray-brown (slender, pubescent, small lenticels)
Fruit Notes:
Red (Not ornamentally important)
Soil Notes:
Performs best in well-drained acid loam soils
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves opposite, simple, 1.5-3.5" long and wide, rounded or wedge-shaped at base, 3 major veins, 3-lobed, lobes are triangular and point forward (resembles a duck foot), margin entire or slightly serrate, petiole about as long as the blade. Samaras (0.75-1" long) are parallel.