Shrub Rosa × 'Thérèse Bugnet' [Double Rugosa Rose] 'Thérèse Bugnet' is a hybrid cultivar of Rosa rugosa that has fragrant, double, pink flowers and lustrous, red canes. Susceptible to rose stem girdler and slightly susceptible to black spot. Good cultural practices are important for roses in order to prevent disease and other pests. Avoid wetting the foliage when watering, place the plant in an area with good air circulation, and remove dead or diseased plant matter as soon as possible. Widely adapted to…
Tree Ulmus americana 'Princeton' [Princeton American Elm] This American Elm cultivar retains the attractive vase-shaped form that the American Elm is known for and has some resistance to both the elm leaf beetle and Dutch Elm Disease, which is caused by Ophiostoma ulmi. (Dutch Elm Disease has lead to the near extinction of the American Elm in the US). Many other diseases can cause damage to this cultivar, though.
Tree Ulmus americana 'Valley Forge' [Valley Forge American Elm] This cultivar has the classic vase-like form and ascending branches that the American elm is know for, while also having the best Dutch elm disease resistance of the new "Dutch elm resistant" cultivars. Important to stake when young.
Tree Ulmus davidiana var Japonica 'Morton' [sold as Accolade®] [Accolade Elm] Very good resistance to the Dutch elm disease pathogen, Ophiostoma ulmi, which has led to the near extinction of the American Elm (Ulmus americana) in the U.S. Also has good resistance against phloem necrosis, elm leaf beetle, and leaf miner.
Tree Ulmus minor [Smoothleaf Elm] Moderate resistance to the Dutch elm disease pathogen, Ophiostoma ulmi, which has led to the near extinction of the American Elm (Ulmus americana) in the U.S.
Shrub Vaccinium angustifolium 'Burgundy' [Burgundy Lowbush Blueberry] Known for their red fall color. This plant need a lot of moisture and good drainage. Blueberries are edible. Attracts birds and butterflies.
Shrub Yucca filamentosa [Adam's Needle Yucca] Swordlike foliage gives this species the appearance of a desert plant, and it does tolerate dry soil well. Flower spikes bring overall plant height to over 6'. Best used in mass plantings. Doesn't like wet soils.
Shrub Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' [Variegated Adam's Needle Yucca] As the name implies, 'Bright Edge' has leaves edged with yellow variegation. The swordlike foliage gives this species the appearance of a desert plant, and it does tolerate dry soil well. Flower spikes bring overall plant height to over 6'. Best used in mass plantings. Doesn't like wet soils.
Shrub Yucca flaccida [Weakleaf Yucca] Closely related to the more common Yucca filamentosa (Adam's-needle Yucca), with the primary difference being its overall smaller size. Swordlike foliage gives this species the appearance of a desert plant, and it does tolerate dry soil well. Flower spikes bring overall plant height to over 6'. Best used in mass plantings. Doesn't like wet soils.
Shrub Yucca sp. [Yucca] The Yucca genus is comprised of evergreen shrubs and trees with bold, sword-like leaves borne in rosettes, and large, showy flower panicles.