Liana (Climbing Vine) Allamanda cathartica [Golden Trumpet] Can be grown as a small shrub if pruned regularly. Quite tolerant of many soil types. Full sun needed for maximum flower show. All Allamandas are poisonous. Caterpillars and mites can be problematic. Not salt tolerant. 'Hendersonii' is most often planted, while 'Yellow Butterflies' is compact with many large yellow flowers.
Liana InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Ampelopsis glandulosa var. heterophylla [Porcelain Ampelopsis] Best fruiting in full sun. Restricting root growth can enhance fruit production. Japanese beetles love them. Can be invasive. Rampant growth.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Bougainvillea spectabilis [Bouganvillea] Generally seen as a vine, but is also grown as a shrub, or even trained into a small tree. Can become a nice house plant as it survives house climates. Usually evergreen, but can be deciduous, especially in drier conditions. Drought tolerant. The root system of the Bougainvillea is very fragile and doesn't form a good firm root ball. Relatively pest free, but can be affected by worms, snails and aphids.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Campsis radicans [Common Trumpetcreeper] Very tolerant of soils and environment, except it does not tolerate shade. Can be trained as a standard. May require special support on some surfaces, especially as it becomes large and heavy (could pull down weaker structures). May also require pruning to keep size in check.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Indiana Native Celastrus scandens [American Bittersweet] Sun to partial shade (best flowers in full sun), and tolerant of soil conditions (except wet). Tends to be invasive. Birds are fond of fruits. Tends toward dioeciousness. Female plants need a male pollinator to produce more abundant fruits. Can girdle trees it grows on. Euonymus scale and two-marked treehoppers can cause damage.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Clematis × jackmanii [Jackman's Clematis] The Jackman Clematis is a hybrid that has flowers with large, rich purple sepals, which develop on new growth. The root system should be kept cool by deep soil preparation and mulching around base. It is said that Clematis prefer "a warm top and a cool bottom". While this is generally true, provide some shade during the day to the top portion for best results. Climbs by twining stems and clasping leaves, so needs a…
Liana (Climbing Vine) Clematis montana 'Mayleen' [Mayleen Anemone Clematis] This is a vigorous twining vine with prolific beautiful soft pink flowers. It is best to prune after flowering, as it flowers on growth from the previous season. The root system should be kept cool by deep soil preparation and mulching around base. It is said that Clematis prefer "a warm top and a cool bottom". While this is generally true, provide some shade during the day to the top portion for best results. Climbs…
Liana (Climbing Vine) Clematis sp. [Clematis] The large genus of Clematis includes a plethora of woody hybrids and cultivars. In Indiana, woody Clematis are generally used as climbing vines, and for their flowers with large, showy sepals. Typically, Clematis prefer cool roots and warm foliage, which can be accomplished with a mulch application or groundcover planted below the clematis.
Liana (Climbing Vine) InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Clematis terniflora [Sweetautumn Clematis] Keeping the root system cool by deep soil preparation and mulch around the base is beneficial. Climbs by twining stems and clasping leaves, so needs trellis or wire support. Extremely vigorous; can engulf an entire structure. Prune out old wood, and dead wood that arises from winter-kill.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Clematis viticella 'Evipo018' [sold as Bourbon™] [Bourbon Clematis] The Bourbon Clematis is a small, compact hybrid that has flowers with large, vibrant red sepals, that develop on both new and old growth. The root system should be kept cool by deep soil preparation and mulching around base. It is said that Clematis prefer "a warm top and a cool bottom". While this is generally true, provide some shade during the day to the top portion for best results. Climbs by twining stems and…