Malus × 'Royal Ruby'
Royal Ruby Flowering Crabapple

 Plant Type:
 Deciduous / Evergreen:
Red (Large (1-2" across), double rose-pink flowers in clusters; late April to May)
Green (Lustrous deep green summer foliage); Yellow (Fall color)
Red (Sparsely produced 0.5" dia. crabapples (pomes) that shrivel)
 Ultimate Height:
10-15 feet
 Ultimate Spread:
10-15 feet
 Light Requirements:
Well-drained heavy loam soils
Cultivated origin
 Diagnostic Characteristics:
Simple, elliptical leaves (up to 2" long) in clusters on short spurs. Buds have several imbricate scales and are usually reddish-brown with hairs protruding under scales. Fruits have multiple seeds (as compared to the single seed pit of Prunus species). The bark of mature trees is gray to brown and scaly.

Additional Information

The Flowering Crabapple is a popular small ornamental tree with an extremely showy flower display in the spring. 'Royal Ruby' is a vigorous cultivar that produces beautiful double, rose-pink flowers every year. However, it is severely susceptible to apple scab and may look quite ragged by the end of the summer. Well-drained heavy loam soils and full sun promote best growth.

When Malus × 'Royal Ruby' has been observed flowering or fruiting at Purdue University


No Fruiting Observations Available

2 Malus × 'Royal Ruby' found

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= Heritage plant = Memorial plant
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The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

Purdue Arboretum, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr, West Lafayette, IN, 47907
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