Shrub Fothergilla gardenii [Dwarf Fothergilla] A very useful and adaptable small shrub that has unique, fragrant, bottle-brush flowers and spectacular fall foliage. Chlorosis develops in high pH soil.
Shrub Fothergilla gardenii 'Jane Platt' [Jane Platt Dwarf Fothergilla] A very useful and adaptable small shrub that has unique, fragrant, bottle-brush flowers and spectacular fall foliage. Compared to the species type, 'Jane Platt' has slightly larger flower spikes and more cascading branches, but reportedly the fall color is not quite as brilliant. Chlorosis develops in high pH soil.
Shrub Fothergilla major [Large Fothergilla] Although much larger (up to 10' tall), Fothergilla major is quite similar to Fothergilla gardenii (Dwarf Fothergilla), and is a very useful and adaptable shrub. It has unique, fragrant, bottle-brush flowers and spectacular fall foliage. Chlorosis develops in high pH soil.
Shrub Fothergilla × 'Mt. Airy' [Mt. Airy Fothergilla] 'Mt. Airy' is an excellent, vigorous hybrid that makes for an extremely useful, adaptable, and high quality shrub. It produces a profuse number of unique, fragrant, large, bottle-brush flowers and has consistent, spectacular fall foliage. Chlorosis can develop in high pH soil.
Shrub Hamamelis × intermedia 'Sunburst' [Sunburst Witchhazel] The Sunburst Witchhazel is a large, vase-shaped deciduous shrub that produces a profusion of interesting, strap-like lemon-yellow and red flowers in mid to late winter.
Shrub/Tree Hamamelis vernalis [Vernal Witchhazel] Earliest blooming shrub for the Midwest. Good as a neutral filler for the border with quiet seasonal interest. More pH tolerant than Hamamelis virginiana. Should not be pruned (tip pinching would be acceptable to direct growth). Not as showy in bloom as Hamamelis mollis, the Chinese Witchhazel, or its hybrids.
Shrub/Tree Indiana Native Hamamelis virginiana [Common Witchhazel] Flowers are in evidence because of their spicy fragrance before they are visually obvious, but are fairly showy after leaf drop. Should not be pruned (tip pinching would be acceptable to direct growth).
Tree Parrotia persica [Persian Parrotia] One of the best trees for foliage and bark effect. Very adaptable, tolerating drought, various soils, heat, cold, etc. Prefers full sun but tolerates light shade. Sites with strong winter winds will surely cause tip dieback in Northern Indiana.