Shrub Ilex × 'Mesog' [sold as China Girl®] [China Girl Holly] 'China Girl' is a dense, rounded holly hybrid with lustrous evergreen foliage. This cultivar is female and 'China Boy' is the pollinator if fruit set is desired. Winter dessication injury to leaves in exposed sites.
Tree Indiana Native Ilex opaca [American Holly] This species, like other hollies, is dioecious, so plant females for fruit and an occasional male for pollination. Winter dessication injury can occur on leaves in exposed sites. Holly leaf miners are one of the major problem pests for Ilex opaca.
Tree Ilex opaca 'Old Heavy Berry' [Old Heavy Berry American Holly] 'Old Heavy Berry' is an excellent, vigorous female cultivar with good winter hardiness and an abundance of large, bright red fruits. This species, like other hollies, is dioecious, so plant females for fruit and an occasional male for pollination. Winter dessication injury can occur on leaves in exposed sites. Holly leaf miners are one of the major problem pests for Ilex opaca.
Shrub Ilex sp. [Holly] Ilex, the Holly genus, is a very large genus of 400 species of deciduous or evergreen and generally dioecious trees or shrubs with the females frequently bearing long-persisting fruits attractive to wildlife.
Shrub Indiana Native Ilex verticillata [Common Winterberry] Excellent show of bright red berries in winter and fruiting color is best in full sun. This species, like other hollies, is dioecious, so plant females for fruit and an occasional male for pollination. Adaptable to wet soils, but tolerates more normal conditions also. Native habitats are swampy areas. Tends to sucker and can be quite twiggy. Leaf spot and mildew can be serious problems. Develops chlorosis on alkaline soils.
Shrub Ilex verticillata 'Berry Heavy' [Berry Heavy Common Winterberry] Bright red fruits abundantly set; 6 to 8' high; 'Jim Dandy' is recommended as the male pollinator; Spring Meadow introduction.
Shrub Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy' [Jim Dandy Common Winterberry] This species, like other hollies, is dioecious, and 'Jim Dandy' is an early-flowering male cultivar suited for pollinating northern female variants, such as 'Red Sprite'. The slow growing Jim Dandy Winterberry is dense and compact. Adaptable to wet soils, but tolerates more normal conditions also. Native habitats are swampy areas. Leaf spot and mildew can be serious problems. Develops chlorosis on alkaline soils.
Shrub Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' [Red Sprite Common Winterberry] 'Red Sprite' is compact, dense and rounded with an excellent show of large, bright red berries in winter. Fruiting color best in full sun. This species, like other hollies, is dioecious, and 'Red Sprite' is female. Plant this cultivar for fruit and an occasional male, such as 'Jim Dandy' or 'Appollo' for pollination. Adaptable to wet soils, but tolerates more normal conditions also. Native habitats are swampy areas. Leaf spot and mildew can be serious…