Shrub Abeliophyllum distichum [Korean Abelialeaf] Koran Abelialeaf is a multi-stemmed shrub with a rounded habit with often a vibrant flower show in mid-March to early April. Native to Korea, this shrub provides color to the early spring landscape while most plants are still dormant. Flower are white to faintly tinged-pink, 4-petaled, 3/8 to 5/8" in diameter, fragrant, borne on 1/2 to 1 1/2" inflorescences. Stems are 4-sided.
Tree Abies koreana [Korean Fir] This fir is slightly more heat tolerant than others, but still does best in cold climates.
Tree Abies nordmanniana [Nordmann Fir] In the wild, this species can reach over a staggering 200'. Many uses for this tree are for spacious parks and screening.
Tree Acer buergerianum [Trident Maple] Needs training to develop single central leader (if that is desired). Popular street tree in Japan. Cold hardiness varies in seed produced stock. In some cases, fruit set is so high as to deplete foliage. Flaking bicolor bark in gray-brown and orange.
Tree Acer campestre [Hedge Maple] Transplants easily. Pruning may be needed to limb up branches to create a shade or patio tree. Tolerates severe pruning and soil compaction. Can be pruned to become a giant hedge.
Tree Acer glabrum [Rocky Mountain Maple] This species can withstand moderate drought and coarser soils better than other maples, but prefers moist soils that are sligthly acidic.
Tree Acer maximowiczianum [Nikko Maple] The Nikko Maple is a small, vase-shaped tree that has year-round interest, especially due to its attractive, smooth gray to grayish yellow bark. This tree was discovered in Japan in the 1860s by Carl Johann Maximowicz, hence the specific epithet name; the town of Nikko, Japan contributes to the common name. It is rare in its native habitat today.
Tree Acer palmatum [Japanese Maple] A refined but striking specimen in its several forms, differing in color, texture, and habit, but all graceful. Newly expanded foliage may be damaged by sun and wind. Plant where it will receive some protection from the elements, especially winter elements. Can leaf out early and be killed back by a late freeze. Prefers some shade and good moisture.
Tree Acer palmatum 'Wolff' [sold as Emperor I®] [Emperor I Japanese Maple] Emperor I grows rapidly and of the Japanese Maple cultivars it is on the larger side. Leaves have red and blue pigment, holds color in heat. This cultivar leafs out 12 to 14 days later than sister cultivars which helps avoid spring frost damage.