Shrub Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Mop' [Golden Mop Japanese Falsecypress] An attention-grabbing plant, Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Mop' is a compact, dwarf cultivar of the Sawara Falsecypress. It has bright yellow, drooping, thread-like foliage that retains its color well throughout the year. For best color, place is full sun. A slow grower, this plant can reach up to 5' tall and wide at maturity, but it can take over a decade to reach that point. 'Golden Mop' can grow in average soils, as long as they…
Shrub Cotoneaster divaricatus [Spreading Cotoneaster] One of the most ornamental and trouble-free of the cotoneasters, although subject to the troubles of Rosaceous plants on occasion. These include lacebugs, scale, mites, and fireblight, but they are not usually a serious problem.
Shrub Daphne × burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie' [Variegated Burkwood Daphne] Requires excellent drainage, relatively low fertility, and consistent moisture. Best in a cool site, on soil with pH near neutral, in partial shade to full sun. Notably difficult to transplant. Sometimes dies suddenly with no warning signs. 'Carol Mackie' is more vigorous than the species type.
Shrub/Tree Euonymus europaeus [Common Spindle Tree] Euonymus europaeus is an adaptable small tree (sometimes large shrub) that can spread and become invasive. The Common Spindle Tree's primary ornamental interest is its attractive and interesting fruits in the fall. Unfortunately, this tree can otherwise be quite unattractive, irregular, and spindley.
Shrub/Tree Euonymus planipes [Siberian Spindletree] The Siberian Spindletree is a large shrub (or sometimes small tree) that has showy 4-lobed, crimson fruits appearng in late summer followed by handsome red fall color. Plant can be affected by scale.
Shrub Exochorda racemosa [Common Pearlbush] The Common Pearlbush is lovely in the spring time with its abundance of beautiful, white flowers, but is unfortunately a rather non-descript shrub during the rest of the year. It is a tough plant, able to withstand both heat and drought. The common name refers to the round, pearl-like white flower buds.
Shrub/Tree Hibiscus syriacus [Rose-of-Sharon] Flowers single or double, in wide range of colors (depending on cultivar), are born on new growth, so heavy pruning in the spring enhances blooming later that summer. Pruning to functional size of 4-5' produces excellent habit and flowering. Becomes leggy with age if not pruned. Prune hard when young to promote more branching. Occasionally, stems are killed back in winter; nevertheless, flowering on new growth is not reduced. Generally not the best for solid…
Shrub Hibiscus syriacus 'Morning Star' [Morning Star Rose-of-Sharon] 'Morning Star' has showy white flowers with a red eye and anemone center. Flowers are born on new growth, so heavy pruning in the spring enhances blooming later that summer. Pruning to functional size of 4-5' produces excellent habit and flowering. Becomes leggy with age if not pruned. Prune hard when young to promote more branching. Occasionally, stems are killed back in winter; nevertheless, flowering on new growth is not reduced. Generally not the best…
Shrub Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA1' [sold as Invincibelle® Spirit] [Invincibelle Spirit Smooth Hydrangea] The Invincibelle Spirit Smooth Hydrangea produces large (larger than the straight species), upright globular heads of sterile, pink flowers in June. Tops usually die back in extreme Northern regions of its hardiness zone (including Zones 4 and 5). However, flowers are on new wood, and they still appear when tops are winter killed, or plants are pruned to ground. Winter killed branches need removal. Not drought tolerant. Poor, coarse form in the winter landscape. Many…
Shrub Hydrangea macrophylla [Bigleaf Hydrangea] Beautiful flowers that are borne as either mopheads (hortensias), which are globular masses of mostly showy sterile flowers, or lacecaps, which are flat-topped clusters that have an outer ring of showy flowers surrounding small, less-showy fertile flowers in the center. In general, an acidic soil will produce a very blue colored flower in most cultilvar, and alkaline pink. High quality foliage. Lower flower production in cold climates, and performs poorly on hot dry sites. A…