Tree Acer × freemanii 'Marmo' [Marmo Freeman Maple] The Marmo Maple has similar characteristics to its Silver Maple parent, more so than to its Red Maple parent. This cultivar produces staminate flowers, and therefore is seedless. 'Marmo' fall color ranges from reds to greens. Once established, it becomes tolerant to most pests and disease.
Tree Acer saccharum 'Barrett Cole' [sold as Apollo®] [Apollo Sugar Maple] This cultivar has a unique narrow to columnar shape with dense branching and a generally small size. Has been noted for its resistance to the Japanese beetle. Tolerant of soils although does best in deeper soils. Great coloration during fall months, full sun encourages a deep red fall color.
Shrub/Tree Amelanchier canadensis 'Glenn Form' [sold as Rainbow Pillar®] [Rainbow Pillar Shadblow Serviceberry] This cultivar of the Shadblow Serviceberry is known for its bright, multi-colored fall foliage that can be a combination of reds, oranges, and yellows. Spectacular, yet short lived, white flowers bloom in early spring. Given its upright, dense habit, it is best used as a screen or hedge. Mildew resistant.
Tree Amelanchier × grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' [sold as Autumn Brilliance®] [Autumn Brilliance Apple Serviceberry] A. x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance is a vigorous selection with impressive blooms and bright red fall colors. It is resistant to leaf spot. The berries are frequently used to make jams, jellies, and pies. This selection can be found in both single and multi-trunk forms.
Shrub Indiana Native Arctostaphylos uva-ursi [Bearberry] Hard to establish, can develop winter burn from sun and wind when cold. Does not like excessive summer heat. Can develop foliar diseases (leaf spot) when stressed. Leaves are used to make a tea in some parts of Russia, where it is known as Kutai and Caucasian Tea. The dried leaves have been used to treat diseases of the bladder and kidney, and inflammatory diseases.
Herbaceous Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Massachusetts' [Massachusetts Bearberry] 'Massachusetts' is known for having a large amount of flowers and fruits and its disease resistance to leaf gall and leaf spot. Also has smaller leaves than any other plant in the species.
Tree Betula nigra 'Cully' [sold as Heritage™] [Heritage River Birch] This vigorous cultivar makes a graceful tree, interesting for its richly colored, strongly curling bark and large, glossy leaves. It is somewhat resistant to leaf spot and is especially well adapted to wet soils. Immune to the bronze birch borer, which is a serious problem for the native Betula papyrifera in the Midwest. This species prefers full sun and is quite heat tolerant, but does not have tolerance for drought. If pruning is required, prune…
Shrub Buxus 'Green Gem' [Green Gem Boxwood] This species is a hybrid of Buxus sinica and Buxus sempervirens and is described as a perfect round ball. Hardier than var. insularis 'Winter Beauty'. Requires little prunning and shearing. Avoid cultivating around plants because they have a shallow root. Roots appreciate a good mulch ( 1-2"). Thin plants and remove damaged branches annually to improve air circulation. Buxus X 'Green Gem' is best suited to a sheltered lacation which protects it in the winter…
Shrub Buxus × 'Green Velvet' [Green Velvet Boxwood] This species is a hybrid of Buxus sinica and Buxus sempervirens and is primarily used for smaller spaces.
Shrub Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' [Wintergreen Korean Littleleaf Boxwood] The Wintergreen Korean Littleleaf Boxwood is quite hardy (to zone 4) and grows best when placed in areas of moderate shade that are away from strong winter sun and wind. It has shallow roots and prefers moist, cool soils. This shrub flowers in April; flowers can attract bees due to the fragrance but are not showy.