Arctostaphylos uva-ursiIndiana Native

 Plant Type:
 Deciduous / Evergreen:
 Flower Notes:
Multi-Colored (Urn-shaped, white to pink flowers in spring)
 Foliage Notes:
Green (Dark green semi-evergreen foliage; may turn brown or reddish in fall/winter)
 Fruit Notes:
Red (Fruits (0.25-0.33" dia.) are bright red and develop in late summer)
 Ultimate Height:
6-12 feet
 Ultimate Spread:
2-4+ feet
 Soil Notes:
Often found growing in dry sand or stony soils with a low pH (4.5-5)
Northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia
 Diagnostic Characteristics:
Alternate, obovate, simple leaves (0.5-1.25" long and 0.25-0.5" wide), evergreen, with dark green color, and glabrous, shiny surfaces.

Additional Information

Hard to establish, can develop winter burn from sun and wind when cold. Does not like excessive summer heat. Can develop foliar diseases (leaf spot) when stressed. Leaves are used to make a tea in some parts of Russia, where it is known as Kutai and Caucasian Tea. The dried leaves have been used to treat diseases of the bladder and kidney, and inflammatory diseases.

Other plants like this Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Bearberry)

The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

Purdue Arboretum, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr, West Lafayette, IN, 47907
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