Shrub Buxus microphylla [Littleleaf Boxwood] The Littleleaf Boxwood is a versatile, small, rounded shrub. It is best when planted away from strong winter sun and wind and prefers moderate shade. Hardiness is highly variable with cultivars. Winter desiccation injury (browning) in full sun is a real concern, but this plant often recovers in spring with new growth. Use the same cultivar when replacing a member of a hedge to reproduce the same texture and color. The Littleleaf Boxwood's shallow roots…
Shrub Buxus microphylla 'Compacta' [Dwarf Littleleaf Boxwood] The Dwarf Littleleaf Boxwood is a very small, dense rounded shrub. It is best when planted away from strong winter sun and wind and prefers moderate shade. Winter desiccation injury (browning) in full sun is a real concern, but this plant often recovers in spring with new growth. The Dwarf Littleleaf Boxwood's shallow roots prefer moistness and coolness.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Campsis radicans [Common Trumpetcreeper] Very tolerant of soils and environment, except it does not tolerate shade. Can be trained as a standard. May require special support on some surfaces, especially as it becomes large and heavy (could pull down weaker structures). May also require pruning to keep size in check.
Shrub Caragana arborescens [Siberian Peashrub] The Siberian Peashrub is quite a tough and adaptable, nitrogen-fixing plant that can grow in extremely difficult conditions, but it has very limited use ornamentally. Best reserved for tough environments, such as in a windbreak, hedge, or screen.
Tree Carpinus betulus [European Hornbeam] Carpinus betulus is relatively trouble-free and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and some shade. This plant is also very tolerant of heavy pruning, making it useful as a hedge.
Tree Carpinus betulus 'Columnaris' [Columnar European Hornbeam] Carpinus betulus is relatively trouble-free and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and some shade. This plant is also very tolerant of heavy pruning, making it useful as a hedge. The cultivar 'Columnaris' is a narrow, columnar cultivar that is slow-growing with densely set branches and leaves.
Tree Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' [Fastigiate European Hornbeam] Carpinus betulus is relatively trouble-free and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and some shade. This plant is also very tolerant of heavy pruning, making it useful as a hedge. The cultivar 'Fastigiata' is a narrow, columnar cultivar with densely set, broom-like branches. Over time this cultivar tends to broaden and open up into a more oval-vase form.
Tree Carpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine' [Columnar European Hornbeam] Carpinus betulus is relatively trouble-free and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and some shade. This plant is also very tolerant of heavy pruning, making it useful as a hedge. The cultivar 'Frans Fontaine' is a tight, narrow, columnar cultivar with densely set branches and leaves. Over time this cultivar retains its fastigiate form better than the similar cultivar 'Fastigiata'.
Tree Carpinus betulus 'JFS-KW1CB' [sold as Emerald Avenue®] [Emerald Avenue® Hornbeam] This European Hornbeam cultivar has dark green pleated leaves with double serrated margins in the summer. In the fall the leaves mature to a golden yellow on stout branches. This tree also has a tight broad pyramidal to ovate shape and great heat tolerance, making it a desirable street tree.
Tree Indiana Native Carpinus caroliniana [American Hornbeam] A clean, trouble-free small tree, useful in intensive situations such as patios and malls, and equally interesting in naturalized plantings. Useful as a large hedge if coppiced when young. Performs well in heavy shade and tolerates periodic flooding. Difficult to transplant. Move balled-and-burlapped for best results. Sometimes called Blue Beech and Ironwood (although these are best not used).