Flower Notes:
Pink (Spring; pendulous pale pink bell-shaped flowers in clusters of 5)
Foliage Notes:
Green (Summer foliage); Yellow (Fall foliage)
Fruit Notes:
Yellow (4-winged fruit; fall)
Soil Notes:
Prefers acidic soil that's not too wet or too dry
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves are alternate, simple, 2-5" long and half as wide, ovate to elliptic, finely serrated, glabrous dark green above, and pubescent below. Look for the interesting 4-sided winged pods. No terminal buds. Lateral buds are stalked. Halesia monticola is larger in flower, fruit, and habit (40-80') than H. carolina. H.carolina and H. monticola are very similar otherwise, and some authors do not consider these separate species.