Flower Notes:
Yellow (Fragrant, pale yellow flowered cyme that appears in June with a distinguishing 3-4" long bract; attract bees)
Foliage Notes:
Green (Leaves dark green above and pale green beneath in summer); Yellow (Poor pale greenish-yellow to yellow fall foliage)
Fruit Notes:
Gray (Nutlet with bract; persistent)
Soil Notes:
Widely adapted to different soils
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Finely serrated, heart-shaped leaves are alternate, simple, 4-8" long, cordate to truncate at base. Blades are larger on one side than other. Buds are large, reddish-brown, somewhat flattened, glossy. Stems and buds are red in winter. Fruit is small grayish nutlet, 3-4 nutlets per 3-4" long bract. Bark is deeply ridged and furrowed.