Shrub Indiana Native Viburnum dentatum [Arrowwood Viburnum] Can look ragged in dry soil. Flowers malodorous to some. Attractive to birds. Name derived from Native American use of strong sucker shoots for arrow shafts. The most durable of viburnums. Serves as a nice neutral background shrub.
Shrub Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' [sold as Blue Muffin™] [Blue Muffin Arrowwood Viburnum] 'Christom', often sold under the name Blue Muffin, is a compact variant known for its strongly blue fruits. Flowers malodorous to some. Attractive to birds. Name derived from Native American use of strong sucker shoots for arrow shafts. The most durable of viburnums. Serves as a nice neutral background shrub.
Shrub Viburnum dentatum 'Synnesvedt' [sold as Chicago Lustre®] [Chicago Lustre Arrowwood Viburnum] 'Synnesvedt', often sold under the name Chicago Lustre, is known for attractive, clean, lustrous foliage and abundant blue-black fruits. Flowers malodorous to some. Attractive to birds. Name derived from Native American use of strong sucker shoots for arrow shafts. The most durable of viburnums. Serves as a nice neutral background shrub.
Shrub Viburnum dilatatum [Linden Viburnum] One of the best viburnums for showy fruits. A different clone as a pollinator helps produce a more abundant fruit set. Borers can sometimes be a problem. Relatively trouble-free.
Shrub Viburnum dilatatum 'Henneke' [sold as Cardinal Candy™] [Cardinal Candy Linden Viburnum] 'Henneke', often sold under the name Cardinal Candy, is a vigorous, compact cultivar known for its abundant shiny red berries that persist into spring. One of the best viburnums for showy fruits. Generally, a different clone as a pollinator helps produce a more abundant fruit set in V. dilatatum, however, this does not appear necessary for this cultivar. Borers can sometimes be a problem. Relatively trouble-free.
Shrub Viburnum farreri [Fragrant Viburnum] Some winter protection promotes best growth. Early flowering in spring is sometimes followed by a later frost/freeze that kills back the flowers and inhibits leaf growth.
Shrub Viburnum farreri 'Bowles' [Bowles Fragrant Viburnum] 'Bowles' is extremely rare in cultivation, but is considered a better performer than the straight species. Some winter protection promotes best growth. Early flowering in spring is sometimes followed by a later frost/freeze that kills back the flowers and inhibits leaf growth.
Shrub Viburnum farreri 'Candidissimum' [White Fragrant Viburnum] 'Candidissium' ('Album') has fragrant white flowers and yellowish-green foliage. Some winter protection promotes best growth. Early flowering in spring is sometimes followed by a later frost/freeze that kills back the flowers and inhibits leaf growth.