Shrub Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum [Doublefile Viburnum] The Doublefire Viburnum is fertile and more commonly used in the landscape than the sterile Japanese Snowball Viburnum (Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum). The white flowers are reminiscent of a lace doily with sterile showy flowers at edge surrounding the non-showy fertile flowers. Flower clusters accentuate the horizontal branching. Fruits are red that change to black if not eaten by birds, beginning in late summer.
Shrub Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta' [Shasta Doublefile Viburnum] 'Shasta' is a prolific bloomer and handsome plant that has strong, horizontal branching. The Doublefire Viburnum is fertile and more commonly used in the landscape than the sterile Japanese Snowball Viburnum (Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum). The white flowers are reminiscent of a lace doily with sterile showy flowers at edge surrounding the non-showy fertile flowers. Flower clusters accentuate the horizontal branching. Fruits are red that change to black if not eaten by birds, beginning in…
Shrub Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Summer Snowflake' [Summer Snowflake Doublefile Viburnum] 'Summer Snowflake' is a tall, narrower form that is noted for its large, primary flower show in the spring, which is followed by continued, although sporadic, blooming into mid autumn. The flowers, fruits, and leaves of this cultivar are all smaller than the straight species. The Doublefire Viburnum is fertile and more commonly used in the landscape than the sterile Japanese Snowball Viburnum (Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum). The white flowers are reminiscent of a lace…
Shrub Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum 'Mariesii' [Mariesii Viburnum] Mariesii Viburnum has a spectacular fall color, dark green, ovate, strongly-veined, leaves turn burgundy red to purple red come fall.
Shrub Viburnum × 'Pragense' [Prague Viburnum] More drought tolerant than most Viburnums. Topping may be needed initially to encourage branching. This hybrid arose in Prague, Czechoslovakia in the 1950s.
Shrub/Tree Indiana Native Viburnum prunifolium [Blackhaw Viburnum] Widely tolerant of different soils and exposures. Transplants well. Relatively trouble-free. Can be pruned to form a nice hedge. Scale and borers are occasional problems. The edible fruits are sweet and can be eaten fresh, or used in jams and preserves.
Shrub Viburnum prunifolium 'Mrs. Henry Large' [Mrs. Henry Large Blackhaw Viburnum] 'Mrs. Henry Large' is quite rare and unlikely to be found in commerce. Widely tolerant of different soils and exposures. Transplants well. Relatively trouble-free. Can be pruned to form a nice hedge. Scale and borers are occasional problems. The edible fruits are sweet and can be eaten fresh, or used in jams and preserves.
Shrub Viburnum × rhytidophylloides [Lantanaphyllum Viburnum] Poor tolerance to heavy wind environments. Planting in groups of different clones will help increase fruit production.
Shrub Viburnum × rhytidophylloides 'Willowwood' [Willowwood Lantanaphyllum Viburnum] Poor tolerance to heavy wind environments. Great plant in the Midwest, flowering in the spring and even sporadically into the fall. Foliage sometimes lasting well into the winter. Prune right after flowering, because new buds for the following year form in the summer.
Shrub Viburnum rhytidophyllum [Leatherleaf Viburnum] The Leatherleaf Viburnum is an evergreen to semi-evergreen shrub that profusely produces large, flat-topped clusters of mildly fragrant flowers in the spring. Shade tolerant and must be protected from harsh winter sun. Poor tolerance to heavy wind environments.