Shrub Weigela × 'Dark Horse' [Dark Horse Weigela] 'Dark Horse' is a compact, dwarf cultivar with deep purple leaves and abundant pink flowers. Spreading, dense, rounded shrub, with branches eventually arching to the ground. Extremely adaptable, but prefers good drainage and full sun. Some drought sensitivity. A 3-year pruning cycle improves form and prevents development of legginess. Flowers attract hummingbirds.
Shrub Weigela floribunda [Crimson Weigela] Less common, but very similar to Weigela florida (Old Fashioned Weigela), primarily differing in flowers (dark red-brown and not as showy) and less cold hardiness (USDA zone 6). Spreading, dense, rounded shrub, with branches eventually arching to the ground. Extremely adaptable, but prefers good drainage and full sun. Some drought sensitivity. A 3-year pruning cycle improves form and prevents development of legginess.
Shrub Weigela florida [Old Fashioned Weigela] Spreading, dense, rounded shrub, with branches eventually arching to the ground. Extremely adaptable, but prefers good drainage and full sun. Some drought sensitivity. A 3-year pruning cycle improves form and prevents development of legginess. Flowers attract hummingbirds.
Shrub Weigela florida 'Tango' [Tango Old Fashioned Weigela] 'Tango' is a compact, dense, dwarf shrub with deep greenish-purple foliage and intensely pink flowers. Spreading, dense, rounded shrub, with branches eventually arching to the ground. Extremely adaptable, but prefers good drainage and full sun. Some drought sensitivity. A 3-year pruning cycle improves form and prevents development of legginess. Flowers attract hummingbirds.
Shrub Weigela × 'Minuet' [Dwarf Weigela] 'Minuet' is a dense, compact, dwarf cultivar that has deep green, purple-tinged foliage and strongly pink flowers. Spreading, dense, rounded shrub, with branches eventually arching to the ground. Extremely adaptable, but prefers good drainage and full sun. Some drought sensitivity. A 3-year pruning cycle improves form and prevents development of legginess. Flowers attract hummingbirds.
Tree Xanthocyparis nootkatensis [Nootka Falsecypress] The full-size tree is a fine screening plant. Does best with ample soil and atmospheric moisture. A very dry site exposing the plant to afternoon sun and wind in winter could lead to browning and discoloration. Avoid hard pruning into old wood, it will not regenerate new shoots.
Tree Xanthocyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula' [Pendulous Nootka Falsecypress] The full-size tree is a fine screening plant. Does best with ample soil and atmospheric moisture. A very dry site exposing the plant to afternoon sun and wind in winter could lead to browning and discoloration. Avoid hard pruning into old wood, it will not regenerate new shoots. An unpleasant odor is emitted when the leaves are rubbed or crushed. Central leader with arching to horizontal branches with drooping branchlets.
Shrub Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' [Variegated Adam's Needle Yucca] As the name implies, 'Bright Edge' has leaves edged with yellow variegation. The swordlike foliage gives this species the appearance of a desert plant, and it does tolerate dry soil well. Flower spikes bring overall plant height to over 6'. Best used in mass plantings. Doesn't like wet soils.