Flower Notes:
White (Pure white tubular flowers in early to mid April before the leaves; very sweetly fragrant)
Foliage Notes:
Green (Soft yellowish-green summer foliage); Yellow (Fall color, but inconsistent)
Fruit Notes:
Yellow;red;black (Sparsely produced and not overly ornamental; begin light yellow and quickly change to red then bluish-black; late summer)
Soil Notes:
Prefers moist, well-drained soils
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves (1.5 - 4" long, 1 – 2.75" wide) are opposite, simple, ovate to oval, acute, serrate with triangular teeth, slightly pubescent above and on veins below, 5-6 pairs of veins, veinlets are impressed above and below, yellow-green in color, and petiole is green. 'Candidissium' lacks the red pigmentation in flowers (and flower buds), foliage (spring and fall), and petioles that is present in the species type. Stems are quite smooth.