Tree Acer buergerianum [Trident Maple] Needs training to develop single central leader (if that is desired). Popular street tree in Japan. Cold hardiness varies in seed produced stock. In some cases, fruit set is so high as to deplete foliage. Flaking bicolor bark in gray-brown and orange.
Tree Acer griseum [Paperbark Maple] Slow growth (6-12" per year) is compensated for by longevity and freedom from maintenance. The cinnamon-brown, curly bark is outstanding. Habit is open enough to display bark interest year-round.
Tree Acer maximowiczianum [Nikko Maple] The Nikko Maple is a small, vase-shaped tree that has year-round interest, especially due to its attractive, smooth gray to grayish yellow bark. This tree was discovered in Japan in the 1860s by Carl Johann Maximowicz, hence the specific epithet name; the town of Nikko, Japan contributes to the common name. It is rare in its native habitat today.
Tree Acer miyabei 'Morton' [sold as State Streetâ„¢] [State Street Miyabe Maple] This selection has handsome corky bark with an oval form and attractive ascending branches. Acer miyabei 'Morton' is sometimes known as an alternative to Acer campestre, as it is more vigorous and cold hardy.
Tree Acer pictum ssp. mono [Painted Maple] This tree will sometimes be seen growing in a shrub-like habit. A milky sap comes out of the stem when it is cut. Smooth gray bark with longitudinal fissures in an irregular pattern resembles the bark of Acer palmatum, the Japanese Maple.
Tree Indiana Native Acer rubrum [Red Maple] Tolerant of wet, poorly drained soils and as well as dry conditions. Weak wooded. Intermediate in quality between A. saccharum and A. saccharinum, somewhat prone to breakage in storms, but generally satisfactory. Does not tolerate heavy pollution.
Tree Acer rubrum 'Fairview Flame' [Fairview Flame Red Maple] Tolerant of wet, poorly drained soils and also dry conditions. Moderately weak wooded. Does not tolerate heavy pollution.
Tree Acer rubrum 'Frank Jr.' [sold as Redpointe®] [Redpointe Red Maple] Introduced by Schmit Nursery, Repointe Red Maple is known for pyramidal habit when young, glossy green leaves, and brilliant red fall color. Tolerant of wet, poorly drained soils and as well as dry conditions. Does not tolerate heavy pollution, and is often chlorotic in heavy clay soils.
Tree InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Ailanthus altissima [Tree of Heaven] Unusual form and texture not unlike a large sumac. Highly adaptable. Tolerates salt spray. Dioecious. Coarse and inclined to drop twigs. Male flowers are malodorous; female plants make many weed seedlings. Ailanthus altissima forms dense, clonal thickets which displace native species and can rapidly invade fields, meadows, and harvested forests. This invasive tree species is extremely tolerant of poor soil conditions and can even grow in cement cracks. Ailanthus altissima is not shade tolerant, but…
Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier arborea [Downy Serviceberry] Would grow well on a streambank. Susceptible to rust, leaf blight, powdery mildew, fruit rot, leaf minor, borers, and scale. Rarely requires pruning.