Acer pictum ssp. mono
Painted Maple

 Plant Type:
 Growth Forms:
 Deciduous / Evergreen:
 Flower Notes:
Yellow (Yellow-green in spring; not ornamentally important)
 Foliage Notes:
Green (Dark green leaves); Orange (Yellow-orange fall foliage)
 Fruit Notes:
Brown (Samaras)
 Ultimate Height:
50-60 feet
 Ultimate Spread:
50-60 feet
 Soil Notes:
Well-drained, medium-moist acidic soils
Japan, China, Korea, Mongolia, and Eastern Russia
 Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves are opposite, simple, dark green at 3-6" wide and petioles reaching 2-4" in length, and with 5 to 7 lobes that each taper to a long and narrow apex. Terminal buds are 3/16-1/4" long with a luster to the deep purplish red color. A silky pubescence is found at the base of the bud. 2-3" long racemes bear the greenish yellow flowers in April and May. The samaras are 3/4-1 1/4". Habit is a vase-shape with the mature tree having a domed canopy.

Additional Information

This tree will sometimes be seen growing in a shrub-like habit. A milky sap comes out of the stem when it is cut. Smooth gray bark with longitudinal fissures in an irregular pattern resembles the bark of Acer palmatum, the Japanese Maple.

3 Acer pictum ssp. mono found

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Other plants like this Acer pictum ssp. mono (Painted Maple)

The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

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