Tree Acer palmatum [Japanese Maple] A refined but striking specimen in its several forms, differing in color, texture, and habit, but all graceful. Newly expanded foliage may be damaged by sun and wind. Plant where it will receive some protection from the elements, especially winter elements. Can leaf out early and be killed back by a late freeze. Prefers some shade and good moisture.
Tree Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' [Osakazuki Japanese Maple] 'Osakazuki' is an older cultivar with vibrant green leaves that fade to red in the fall. It has many uses in the landscaping with its fine texture. Needs some protection from heat.
Tree Acer palmatum var. atropurpureum 'Bloodgood' [Bloodgood Japanese Maple] This popular tree is chosen for its stunning purplish-red leaves during the summer months. However, if the summer is particularly hot and dry, the color will dull to a greenish-red hue.
Tree Acer palmatum var. dissectum atropurpureum 'Ever Red' [Ever Red Cutleaf Japanese Maple] The branching of this attractive Japanese Maple cultivar provides a weeping affect to the landscape. This variety holds its color longer than most other varieties of Japanese Maple, and is also one of the smaller forms. 'Ever Red' can handle more urban soils but prefers acidic, moist soils. Best coloration occurs if in partial shade.
Tree Acer palmatum var. dissectum atropurpureum 'Red Dragon' [Red Dragon Cutleaf Japanese Maple] 'Red Dragon' was cultivated at a nursery in New Zealand and is leaf scorch resistant. This cascading, dwarf mound is considered to be one of the best variants for holding its color throughout the seasons in both sun and shade. However, it is important to keep this plant in a protected area that shields it from both summer drought and cold winds.
Shrub Buxus microphylla 'Compacta' [Dwarf Littleleaf Boxwood] The Dwarf Littleleaf Boxwood is a very small, dense rounded shrub. It is best when planted away from strong winter sun and wind and prefers moderate shade. Winter desiccation injury (browning) in full sun is a real concern, but this plant often recovers in spring with new growth. The Dwarf Littleleaf Boxwood's shallow roots prefer moistness and coolness.
Shrub Buxus sinica var. insularis 'Wintergreen' [Wintergreen Korean Littleleaf Boxwood] The Wintergreen Korean Littleleaf Boxwood is quite hardy (to zone 4) and grows best when placed in areas of moderate shade that are away from strong winter sun and wind. It has shallow roots and prefers moist, cool soils. This shrub flowers in April; flowers can attract bees due to the fragrance but are not showy.
Shrub Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Mop' [Golden Mop Japanese Falsecypress] An attention-grabbing plant, Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Mop' is a compact, dwarf cultivar of the Sawara Falsecypress. It has bright yellow, drooping, thread-like foliage that retains its color well throughout the year. For best color, place is full sun. A slow grower, this plant can reach up to 5' tall and wide at maturity, but it can take over a decade to reach that point. 'Golden Mop' can grow in average soils, as long as they…
Tree Larix kaempferi [Japanese Larch] The Japanese Larch is a very large (up to 90' by 40'), conical, deciduous conifer with broad, horizontal branches. The bright green needles become an attractive golden-yellow in the fall. Should be given ample room to grow.
Tree Pinus densiflora [Japanese Red Pine] This species is outstanding for its landscape interest, making a uniquely picturesque specimen. Other species are better choices for screening.