Tree Acer saccharum 'Legacy' [Legacy Sugar Maple] The Legacy Sugar Maple is one of the most used Sugar Maple cultivars. It is known for its attractive oval form and excellent scarlet-orange fall color. Legacy is tolerant to dense shade, leaf tatter, and mild drought and is a relatively long-lived tree.
Tree Indiana Native Acer saccharum ssp. nigrum [Black Maple] The Black Maple is a close relative of the Sugar Maple. Typically, Black Maples tolerate and grow in wetter soils than the Sugar Maple, but they are equally shade tolerant. Black Maples do not tolerate salts and are therefore poor street trees. This species prefers deep, uncompacted soils.
Tree Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' [Golden Full Moon Maple] This unique cultivar has light green to almost yellow, 9 to 13-lobed leaves and is a perfect choice as a small, specimen tree. It is also often trimmed into a shrub form. This plant prefers cooler summers. During spring, small reddish-purple flowers bloom in April to give way to stunning red samaras. The Golden Full Moon Maple has brilliant fall foliage in gold to orange-red.
Tree Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala 'Flame' [Flame Amur Maple] Extremely hardy small tree with interesting foliage (elongated center lobe) and colorful fruits. Widely adapted and trouble-free. Prefers sun but tolerates some shade. Good for growth in large planters. Among first trees to leaf out. Withstands heavy pruning. Can be damaged by ice stroms. Verticillium susceptible, but rare.
Tree Acer triflorum [Three-Flower Maple] Acer triflorum tends to be an understory tree in its natural habitat. Its beautiful exfoliating bark reveals a rusty brown coloration, providing attractive winter interest. Its shallow root system cannot handle drought well, unless properly mulched. This maple can handle full shade but is best in part shade to full sun.
Shrub Indiana Native Aesculus parviflora [Bottlebrush Buckeye] Can be kept at a smaller size for a time with careful pruning, but it will in time occupy much space. Tolerates some shade, and can even be attractive under large shade trees. Suckers quite freely.
Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier arborea [Downy Serviceberry] Would grow well on a streambank. Susceptible to rust, leaf blight, powdery mildew, fruit rot, leaf minor, borers, and scale. Rarely requires pruning.
Shrub/Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier canadensis [Shadblow Serviceberry] Amelanchier canadensis, the Shadblow Serviceberry, tends to be confused with Amelanchier arborea, the Downy Serviceberry, and Amelanchier laevis, the Allegheny Serviceberry. However, A. canadensis, compared to A. arborea and A. laevis, is generally much more shrub-like (often forming thickets), flowers a week later, and produces upright flower clusters (as opposed to the pendulous racemes of A. arborea and A. laevis). The Shadblow Serviceberry is excellent for woodland plantings, naturalizing, and along stream and pond banks.…
Shrub/Tree Amelanchier canadensis 'Glenn Form' [sold as Rainbow Pillar®] [Rainbow Pillar Shadblow Serviceberry] This cultivar of the Shadblow Serviceberry is known for its bright, multi-colored fall foliage that can be a combination of reds, oranges, and yellows. Spectacular, yet short lived, white flowers bloom in early spring. Given its upright, dense habit, it is best used as a screen or hedge. Mildew resistant.
Shrub/Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier canadensis 'Sprizam' [sold as Spring Glory®] [Spring Glory Shadblow Serviceberry] A new variety, notable for its compact, upright habit reaching only 12' tall and 8-10' wide.