Herbaceous Allium 'Millenium' [Ornamental Onion] Tolerates a wide range of soils but it performs well in sandy soils. It is wasily grown in average moisture, well drained soils in full sun or partial shade. The bulbs are best planted in the fall.
Herbaceous Allium senescens montamun [German garlic] German garlic, also known as mountain garlic, is an ornamental onion that is grass like with flattened, braod leaves. It usually grows in dense clumps that are between 6 and 12 inches tall.
Shrub/Tree Amelanchier canadensis 'Glenn Form' [sold as Rainbow Pillar®] [Rainbow Pillar Shadblow Serviceberry] This cultivar of the Shadblow Serviceberry is known for its bright, multi-colored fall foliage that can be a combination of reds, oranges, and yellows. Spectacular, yet short lived, white flowers bloom in early spring. Given its upright, dense habit, it is best used as a screen or hedge. Mildew resistant.
Shrub/Tree Amelanchier × grandiflora [Apple Serviceberry] The Apple Serviceberry is an attractive plant with multi-seasonal interest and can be found in both small tree or large shrub form. If the tree form is desirable, make sure to remove the suckers that arise from the roots, or the specimen will become shrubby. This is less of a problem for this hybrid species than its parents, Amelanchier arborea and A. laevis. The attractive white clusters of flowers give rise to sweet purple-black berries…
Tree Amelanchier × grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' [sold as Autumn Brilliance®] [Autumn Brilliance Apple Serviceberry] A. x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance is a vigorous selection with impressive blooms and bright red fall colors. It is resistant to leaf spot. The berries are frequently used to make jams, jellies, and pies. This selection can be found in both single and multi-trunk forms.
Tree Amelanchier × grandiflora 'Cole’s Select' [Cole's Select Apple Serviceberry] Cole's Select Apple Serviceberry is an attractive plant with multi-seasonal interest, thick, glossy foliage, and especially outstanding red to orange fall coloration. 'Cole's Select' tends to have slightly larger flowers and stronger spreading, more horizontal branching than the species type. The beautiful white clusters of flowers give rise to sweet purple-black berries that are edible by humans and especially relished by birds. The fruits can be used in pies, jams, and jellies.
Tree Amelanchier laevis 'Cumulus' [Cumulus Allegheny Serviceberry] Amelanchier laevis 'Cumulus' is a single-stemmed, strongly upright small tree, excellent as a small street tree and for very early, but short-lived, blooms. This tree is sometimes grafted, so rootstock suckers can be a problem. Fruits are edible and a prime source of food for birds. Subject to the troubles of Rosaceous plants in general, including fire-blight and mites, which can be controlled, usually quite easily.
Tree Amelanchier laevis 'JFS-Arb' [sold as Spring Flurry®] [Spring Flurry Allegheny Serviceberry] An excellent tree for naturalizing and for very early, but short-lived, bloom, the Spring Flurry Allegheny Serviceberry has an upright form and grows larger than the species type, up to 35 feet tall. Fruits are edible and a prime source of food for birds. Subject to the troubles of Rosaceous plants in general, including fire-blight and mites, which can be controlled, usually quite easily.
Shrub Aronia melanocarpa 'Morton' [sold as Iroquis Beauty™] [Iroquois Beauty Black Chokeberry] Cultivar 'Morton', sold as Iroquois Beauty, is a compact shrub that reaches 5 to 6 feet. The flowering and fruiting are similar to that of the straight species, but the compact form allows this shrub to e better utilized in a mass planting. Great for rain gardens, bioswales, and lowlands that collect water in the landscape. Glossy green leaves will turn a brilliant orange-red in the fall. Its black fruit attracts wildlife, such as birds.
Liana (Climbing Vine) Bougainvillea spectabilis [Bouganvillea] Generally seen as a vine, but is also grown as a shrub, or even trained into a small tree. Can become a nice house plant as it survives house climates. Usually evergreen, but can be deciduous, especially in drier conditions. Drought tolerant. The root system of the Bougainvillea is very fragile and doesn't form a good firm root ball. Relatively pest free, but can be affected by worms, snails and aphids.