Foliage Notes:
Green (Lustrous dark green in Summer); Yellow (Yellow green in Fall)
Stem Notes:
Green (glabrous, terete, usually hairless, pungent)
Fruit Notes:
Brown (Compressed, broadly winged, surborbicular, 2 sided, 2/3 to 1" in diameter, indehiscent samaras. Light green when unripe.)
Soil Notes:
Well drained, moist, slightly acidic soils
Eastern U.S. and lower portions of Canada
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves are alternate, trifoliate, and compound. Leaflets are ovate to elliptic-oblong, 2 1/2 to 5" in length, narrowing at ends, acuminate, with the largest leaf in the middle with a short petiole, the lateral leaflets are oblique at their base, either entirely or obsecurely crenulate, sessile with a lustrous dark green coloration above and glabrous beneath. Petiole of leaves are usually between 2-4" long.