Flower Notes:
White (Greenish white, bell-shaped at 1/3" long borne on 1.5 to 2" panicles; April-May)
Foliage Notes:
Green (Dark green); Yellow (Dull yellow fall foliage)
Stem Notes:
Greenish to brown (moderate, rounded, glabrous)
Fruit Notes:
Brown (Pale green while immature and light brown when mature.)
Soil Notes:
Prefers moist, well-drained soils.
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves are opposite, compound pinnate, 3 leaflets, ovate to broadly ovate, 2 to 4" long, acuminate, sharply and unequally serrate, dark green above, pubescent beneath, sometimes glabrate at maturity, the middle leaflet long-stalked. Buds are solitary, ovoid, glabrous, terminal-usually lacking. Bark is light, greenish gray with linear white fissures, branchlets at first pale green with white lenticels, downy, later brownish purple, finally ashen gray, glabrous.