Tree Acer grandidentatum 'Schmidt' [sold as Rocky Mountain Glow®] [Rocky Mountain Glow Maple] Acer grandidentatum is closely related to Acer saccharum (the Sugar Maple), which it is often compared to. This variant stands out due to its more upright form, smaller size, and its brilliant orange-yellow and orange-red fall foliage.
Tree Acer × 'Hipzam' [sold as Highland Park®] [Highland Park Bigtooth Maple] Acer grandidentatum is closely related to Acer saccharum (the Sugar Maple), which it is often compared to. 'Hipazam', often sold under the name of Highland Park, is an upright variant with an oval crown and lustrous, deep green leathery leaves that turn an attractive orange-red in autumn.
Tree Acer rubrum 'Bowhall' [Bowhall Red Maple] This cultivar is a great choice for wet soil areas. Its less agressive root system makes it a better choice for a street tree. The orange-red coloration brings interest in the fall.
Herbaceous Acorus calamus 'Variegatus' [Variegated Sweet Flag] A small herbaceous perennial that does best in full sun to part shade. The variegated cultivar has leaf blades that are striped white and green.
Shrub/Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier canadensis [Shadblow Serviceberry] Amelanchier canadensis, the Shadblow Serviceberry, tends to be confused with Amelanchier arborea, the Downy Serviceberry, and Amelanchier laevis, the Allegheny Serviceberry. However, A. canadensis, compared to A. arborea and A. laevis, is generally much more shrub-like (often forming thickets), flowers a week later, and produces upright flower clusters (as opposed to the pendulous racemes of A. arborea and A. laevis). The Shadblow Serviceberry is excellent for woodland plantings, naturalizing, and along stream and pond banks.…
Shrub/Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier canadensis 'Sprizam' [sold as Spring Glory®] [Spring Glory Shadblow Serviceberry] A new variety, notable for its compact, upright habit reaching only 12' tall and 8-10' wide.
Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier laevis [Allegheny Serviceberry] An excellent small tree for naturalizing and for very early, but short-lived, bloom. Fruits are edible and a prime source of food for birds. Can produce fruit by apomixis. Subject to the troubles of Rosaceous plants in general, including fire-blight and mites, which can be controlled, usually quite easily.
Tree Amelanchier laevis 'JFS-Arb' [sold as Spring Flurry®] [Spring Flurry Allegheny Serviceberry] An excellent tree for naturalizing and for very early, but short-lived, bloom, the Spring Flurry Allegheny Serviceberry has an upright form and grows larger than the species type, up to 35 feet tall. Fruits are edible and a prime source of food for birds. Subject to the troubles of Rosaceous plants in general, including fire-blight and mites, which can be controlled, usually quite easily.
Herbaceous Andropogon gerardii 'Karl’s Cousin' [Karl's Cousin Big Blue Stem] This grass is a self seeder and has a large root system. Very drought tolerant once established and is very easily maintained.
Shrub Indiana Native Aronia arbutifolia [Red Chokeberry] Red Chokeberry is often a multi-stem shrub that's native to Indiana as well as Eastern North America to Minnesota and south as far as Texas. This shrub bears white to slightly pinkish flowers with prominent anthers that gives it a unique look. Red berries form in September to often December. Best grown in mass plantings or for a naturalizing species in the landscape. Though the berries are bitter to taste, they are often used in…