Flower Notes:
Green (Not ornamentally important)
Foliage Notes:
Green (Bright green, coarse textured summer foilage); Yellow (Fall; poor yellow-brown)
Fruit Notes:
Green (The inner nut is edible and encased in a bright green husk, but not ornamentally important; can be a serious litter problem)
Soil Notes:
Widely adapted to soils; prefers moist, rich, bottomland soil
SE Canada to central and East USA
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves (12-24" long) have 15-23 leaflets, each 2-5" long by 0.75-2" wide. Stem has a chambered pith, and is coated with a pale downy pubescence with smooth and reddish surfaces. Bark is dark brown to nearly black with long, deep, narrow fissures and ridges in a diamond-shaped pattern.