Shrub/Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier canadensis [Shadblow Serviceberry] Amelanchier canadensis, the Shadblow Serviceberry, tends to be confused with Amelanchier arborea, the Downy Serviceberry, and Amelanchier laevis, the Allegheny Serviceberry. However, A. canadensis, compared to A. arborea and A. laevis, is generally much more shrub-like (often forming thickets), flowers a week later, and produces upright flower clusters (as opposed to the pendulous racemes of A. arborea and A. laevis). The Shadblow Serviceberry is excellent for woodland plantings, naturalizing, and along stream and pond banks.…
Shrub/Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier canadensis 'Sprizam' [sold as Spring Glory®] [Spring Glory Shadblow Serviceberry] A new variety, notable for its compact, upright habit reaching only 12' tall and 8-10' wide.
Tree Indiana Native Amelanchier laevis [Allegheny Serviceberry] An excellent small tree for naturalizing and for very early, but short-lived, bloom. Fruits are edible and a prime source of food for birds. Can produce fruit by apomixis. Subject to the troubles of Rosaceous plants in general, including fire-blight and mites, which can be controlled, usually quite easily.
Shrub Indiana Native Amorpha fruticosa [Indigobush Amorpha] The Indigobush Amorpha is a Indiana native shrub that can be found along river banks and shallow marshes. This shrub can be planted in areas of poor soil where few other plants will survive, as well as used for erosion control. To avoid weediness, seeds can be collected shortly after flowering as it can spread readily by seeds. Common problems of Amorpha fruticosa includes rust, leaf spots, powdery mildew and twig canker. Some gall problems…
Shrub Indiana Native Aronia arbutifolia [Red Chokeberry] Red Chokeberry is often a multi-stem shrub that's native to Indiana as well as Eastern North America to Minnesota and south as far as Texas. This shrub bears white to slightly pinkish flowers with prominent anthers that gives it a unique look. Red berries form in September to often December. Best grown in mass plantings or for a naturalizing species in the landscape. Though the berries are bitter to taste, they are often used in…
Tree Indiana Native Asimina triloba [Common Pawpaw] Needs filtered or full shade in its first few years, then tolerates full sun. Good specimen tree in a shady landscape. Fruits resemble a short, fat banana, at first green then turning yellowish then brown as they ripen in the fall, and taste like a combination between a banana and mango. Suckers rapidly.
Tree Indiana Native Betula alleghaniensis [Yellow Birch] Graceful tree, interesting for its shining bark beginning yellowish or bronze and exfoliating in thin shreds, becoming reddish brown until finally forming blackish-brown plates. Especially well adapted to wet soils. Does not do well in dry situations. Less subject to the borer troubles of B. papyrifera in the Midwest.
Tree Indiana Native Betula nigra [River Birch] Graceful tree, interesting for its curling bark, and especially well adapted to wet soils. Immune to the bronze birch borer, which is a serious problem for the native Betula papyrifera in the Midwest. This species prefers full sun and is quite heat tolerant, but does not have tolerance for drought. If pruning is required, prune in summer or during the dormant season.
Tree Betula nigra 'Cully' [sold as Heritage™] [Heritage River Birch] This vigorous cultivar makes a graceful tree, interesting for its richly colored, strongly curling bark and large, glossy leaves. It is somewhat resistant to leaf spot and is especially well adapted to wet soils. Immune to the bronze birch borer, which is a serious problem for the native Betula papyrifera in the Midwest. This species prefers full sun and is quite heat tolerant, but does not have tolerance for drought. If pruning is required, prune…
Tree Indiana Native Betula populifolia [Gray Birch] Beautiful white bark, although becomes dirty gray with age. Does well on the poorest of sterile soils, seeds, and suckers quickly. Grows on sandy, rocky and even gravelly sites. Tolerates both wet and dry conditions. Prefers full sun. Susceptible to leaf miner and cankers; more resistant to the bronze birch borer. Leaf minors especially problematic.