Tree Acer saccharum 'Commemoration' [sold as Commemoration®] [Commemoration Sugar Maple] This fast-growing cultivar is known for its oval shape and brilliant fall color. The Commemoration Sugar Maple tends to show its fall color in early November; nearly two weeks earlier than the straight species. Resistant to leaf tatter.
Tree Acer saccharum 'Endowment' [Endowment Sugar Maple] The Endowment Sugar Maple is known for its tight columnar shape. It is best to place this tree where its roots are not restricted. More drought tolerant than other Sugar Maples. Used for as a screen and street tree.
Tree Acer saccharum 'Fairview' [Fairview Sugar Maple] The Fairview Sugar Maple is a great choice as a shade tree and is noted for its classic Sugar Maple shape and emerald-green leaves. Does not tolerate pollution or urban conditions well.
Tree Acer saccharum 'Goldspire' [Goldspire Sugar Maple] The Goldspire Sugar Maple has a densely columnar shape and brilliant yellow to yellow-orange fall foliage. This cultivar is shade tolerant and resistant to leaf scorch. As with most Sugar Maples, the Goldspire Sugar Maple does not tolerate compacted soils.
Tree Acer saccharum 'Green Mountain' [sold as Green Moutain®] [Green Mountain Sugar Maple] The Green Mountain Sugar Maple is heat tolerant and resistant to leaf scorch. This cultivar has a nice pyramidal shape, strong central trunk, and brilliant orange to scarlet fall foliage.
Tree Acer saccharum 'JFS-Caddo2' [sold as Flashfire™] [Flashfire Sugar Maple] Come fall the Flashfire® Sugar Maple turns bright red before the foliage drops. The season interest does not stop there, in spring and throughout summer the foliage is glossy and dark green.
Tree Acer saccharum 'JFS-KW8' [Sold as Autumn Fest®] [Autumn Fest Sugar Maple] Selected for upright habit with good central leader, vigorous growth, and bright bright red fall color.
Tree Acer saccharum 'Legacy' [Legacy Sugar Maple] The Legacy Sugar Maple is one of the most used Sugar Maple cultivars. It is known for its attractive oval form and excellent scarlet-orange fall color. Legacy is tolerant to dense shade, leaf tatter, and mild drought and is a relatively long-lived tree.
Tree Indiana Native Acer saccharum ssp. nigrum [Black Maple] The Black Maple is a close relative of the Sugar Maple. Typically, Black Maples tolerate and grow in wetter soils than the Sugar Maple, but they are equally shade tolerant. Black Maples do not tolerate salts and are therefore poor street trees. This species prefers deep, uncompacted soils.
Tree Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' [Golden Full Moon Maple] This unique cultivar has light green to almost yellow, 9 to 13-lobed leaves and is a perfect choice as a small, specimen tree. It is also often trimmed into a shrub form. This plant prefers cooler summers. During spring, small reddish-purple flowers bloom in April to give way to stunning red samaras. The Golden Full Moon Maple has brilliant fall foliage in gold to orange-red.