Tree Acer palmatum 'Wolff' [sold as Emperor I®] [Emperor I Japanese Maple] Emperor I grows rapidly and of the Japanese Maple cultivars it is on the larger side. Leaves have red and blue pigment, holds color in heat. This cultivar leafs out 12 to 14 days later than sister cultivars which helps avoid spring frost damage.
Tree Indiana Native Acer rubrum [Red Maple] Tolerant of wet, poorly drained soils and as well as dry conditions. Weak wooded. Intermediate in quality between A. saccharum and A. saccharinum, somewhat prone to breakage in storms, but generally satisfactory. Does not tolerate heavy pollution.
Tree Acer rubrum 'Bowhall' [Bowhall Red Maple] This cultivar is a great choice for wet soil areas. Its less agressive root system makes it a better choice for a street tree. The orange-red coloration brings interest in the fall.
Tree Acer rubrum 'Brandywine' [Brandywine Red Maple] 'Brandy Wine' is known for its change of fall color from light red to deep reddish-purple in mid-fall. Its shallow root system makes this tree to be a great choice for street or urban conditions. This cultivar only produces male flowers, so no fruit develops.
Tree Acer rubrum 'Franksred' [sold as Red Sunset®] [Red Sunset Red Maple] Faster growth rate than the Norway Maple and Sugar maple. One of the best Red Maple cultivars on the market, as it colors before October Glory. Great choice for flood plains or wetter areas in the landscape.
Tree Acer rubrum 'Sun Valley' [Sun Valley Red Maple] This rounded oval cultivar prefers moist soils, even tolerating wet soils. The Sun Valley Red Maple has red, showy flowers that bloom in March, but does not produce fruit.
Tree Indiana Native Acer saccharinum [Silver Maple] Grows largest along stream banks. One of the best trees for poor soils, and in places where a functional shade tree is quickly needed. Roots invade and clog drainage tiles, and break sidewalks. Very weak wooded. Many disease and insect problems.
Tree Indiana Native Acer saccharum [Sugar Maple] Widely adapted to climate, but best in at least reasonably fertile soil. One of the best shade tree species over a wide area, but for best results select plants known for adaptability to the local region. Quite shade tolerant. Low maintenance in a good site. 50 gal. sap or more needed to make 1 gal. syrup. Not so drought-tolerant as silver maple, but reasonably so. Does poorly in compacted soils, and doesn't like salt spray.…
Tree Acer saccharum 'Barrett Cole' [sold as Apollo®] [Apollo Sugar Maple] This cultivar has a unique narrow to columnar shape with dense branching and a generally small size. Has been noted for its resistance to the Japanese beetle. Tolerant of soils although does best in deeper soils. Great coloration during fall months, full sun encourages a deep red fall color.