Shrub Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' [Brilliant Red Chokeberry] The Brilliant Red Chokeberry has dark green leaves that turn a stunning deep red in the fall. 'Brilliant' produces larger and more abundant flowers and a greater number of red berries than the species type. Because birds find the fruits unappealing, the berries are allowed to persist well into the winter months. This plant tends to sucker and create colonies.
Shrub Indiana Native Aronia melanocarpa [Black Chokeberry] This Indiana native shrub is similar to the Red Chokeberry in habit and form, but differs in that the Black Chokeberry is larger, has black-colored fruits, broader leaves, and generally larger flowers. Place in a higher light location for the best flower and fruit display. Best used for naturalizing, mass plantings, and wetland reclamation projects. The berries are edible, but only palatable when used in jellies and jams.
Shrub Aronia melanocarpa 'Autumn Magic' [Autumn Magic Black Chokeberry] The Autumn Magic Black Chokeberry is known for its outstanding bright purple to red to orange fall color, compact form, and large, attractive fruits. Place in a higher light location for the best flower and fruit display. Best used for naturalizing, mass plantings, and wetland reclamation projects. The berries are edible, but only palatable when used in jellies and jams.
Tree Indiana Native Betula alleghaniensis [Yellow Birch] Graceful tree, interesting for its shining bark beginning yellowish or bronze and exfoliating in thin shreds, becoming reddish brown until finally forming blackish-brown plates. Especially well adapted to wet soils. Does not do well in dry situations. Less subject to the borer troubles of B. papyrifera in the Midwest.
Tree Indiana Native Betula nigra [River Birch] Graceful tree, interesting for its curling bark, and especially well adapted to wet soils. Immune to the bronze birch borer, which is a serious problem for the native Betula papyrifera in the Midwest. This species prefers full sun and is quite heat tolerant, but does not have tolerance for drought. If pruning is required, prune in summer or during the dormant season.
Tree Betula nigra 'Cully' [sold as Heritage™] [Heritage River Birch] This vigorous cultivar makes a graceful tree, interesting for its richly colored, strongly curling bark and large, glossy leaves. It is somewhat resistant to leaf spot and is especially well adapted to wet soils. Immune to the bronze birch borer, which is a serious problem for the native Betula papyrifera in the Midwest. This species prefers full sun and is quite heat tolerant, but does not have tolerance for drought. If pruning is required, prune…
Tree Betula 'Penci 2' [sold as Royal Frost®] [Royal Frost Birch] A hybrid between Betula populifolia 'Whitespire' and Betula 'Crimson Frost', popular for its colorful foliage that is red/purple spring and summer and yellow/orange in the fall, and its interesting bark characteristics.
Tree Betula pendula ssp. mandshurica [Asian White Birch] A generally better choice than the species type, Betula platyphylla var. japonica is a larger, graceful tree with thinner, spreading branches and striking pure white bark. It is especially well adapted to wet soilsand does not do well in dry situations. Less subject to the borer troubles of B. papyrifera in the Midwest, although still susceptible.
Tree Indiana Native Betula populifolia [Gray Birch] Beautiful white bark, although becomes dirty gray with age. Does well on the poorest of sterile soils, seeds, and suckers quickly. Grows on sandy, rocky and even gravelly sites. Tolerates both wet and dry conditions. Prefers full sun. Susceptible to leaf miner and cankers; more resistant to the bronze birch borer. Leaf minors especially problematic.
Tree Indiana Native Carpinus caroliniana [American Hornbeam] A clean, trouble-free small tree, useful in intensive situations such as patios and malls, and equally interesting in naturalized plantings. Useful as a large hedge if coppiced when young. Performs well in heavy shade and tolerates periodic flooding. Difficult to transplant. Move balled-and-burlapped for best results. Sometimes called Blue Beech and Ironwood (although these are best not used).