Shrub InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea [Purple Japanese Barberry] This variety has purple to red summer foliage, turning a rich red to red-violet in the fall. It is an adaptable plant that does well in an urban environment. Place in a high light location for best foliage coloration. Can be coppiced, with the resulting new growth developing better summer color. Can be pruned to ground every 5 to 7 years. Relatively trouble-free.
Shrub Caragana arborescens [Siberian Peashrub] The Siberian Peashrub is quite a tough and adaptable, nitrogen-fixing plant that can grow in extremely difficult conditions, but it has very limited use ornamentally. Best reserved for tough environments, such as in a windbreak, hedge, or screen.
Shrub Indiana Native Clethra alnifolia [Summersweet Clethra] Spreads by underground stems to make large clumps, but can be restrained when necessary. Can be badly infested with mites, especially on dry soils. Can suffer in full sun and/or dry soils, but can bloom well in shade.
Shrub Clethra alnifolia 'Compacta' [Compact Summersweet Clethra] Only growing to 2-4' high and wide, Clethra alnifolia 'Compacta' is denser and more compact than the straight species. This plant can suffer in full sun and/or dry soils, but can bloom well in shade.
Shrub Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' [Hummingbird Summersweet Clethra] Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' is an award-winning shrub with abundant, beautfiul and fragrant white flower spikes. However, the habit eventually tends to flop and appear unkempt. It spreads by underground stems to make large clumps, but can be restrained when necessary. This plant can suffer in full sun and/or dry soils, but can bloom well in shade.
Shrub Cotoneaster apiculatus [Cranberry Cotoneaster] An excellent groundcover for full sun in almost any soil, except that weeds encroach easily for the first few years. Use effective mulch. Subject to damage from fireblight occasionally, and from mites, especially in dry situations. Not tolerant of wet sites. Collects litter and leaves (in the fall), which are difficult to rake out.
Shrub Cotoneaster divaricatus [Spreading Cotoneaster] One of the most ornamental and trouble-free of the cotoneasters, although subject to the troubles of Rosaceous plants on occasion. These include lacebugs, scale, mites, and fireblight, but they are not usually a serious problem.
Shrub Cotoneaster horizontalis [Rockspray Cotoneaster] C. horizontalis is a low, flat, dense shrub with horizontally spreading branches creating a tiered effect. A generally trouble-free cotoneaster, although can be subject to the troubles of Rosaceous plants on occasion. Fireblight is more problematic for this species in the South.
Shrub Cotoneaster multiflorus [Many-flowered Cotoneaster] Salt tolerant and pH adaptable, and has best appearance when grown as multi-stemmed and branching to the ground. Mites, aphids, canker, and fireblight can be problems in stressful sites.
Shrub/Tree InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Elaeagnus angustifolia [Russian-olive] Widely adaptable and invasive plant in the Midwest. Like other members of the family, fixes atmospheric nitrogen. Can be a large shrub or small tree. Spreads by rooting suckers. Especially tolerant of extreme cold and drought, but does not tolerate extreme heat of the south. Verticillium wilt and stem canker may be a problem in some areas. Needs some pruning to keep vigorous and in good form. Berries used to make sherbet in some parts…