Carya × nussbaumeri

 Plant Type:
 Growth Forms:
 Deciduous / Evergreen:
 Flower Notes:
Yellow-green (Yellow-green male catkins in late spring/early summer, not ornamentally important. Small, terminal female spikes in late spring/early summer, not ornamentally important)
 Foliage Notes:
Green (Summer foliage); Yellow (Fall foliage)
 Fruit Notes:
Brown (Nut is edible by humans and wildlife)
 Ultimate Height:
>60 feet
 Ultimate Spread:
40 feet
 Soil Notes:
Prefers moist, well-drained soils
Hybrid origin
 Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves are alternately arranged and pinnately compound. Leaflets are oppositely arranged. Nut is moderately hard and bony and encased by a 4-valved husk ripening in October; seeds are edible by humans and wildlife.
  Special Characteristics:

Additional Information

This tree is a hybrid of the pecan and shellbark hickory, thus the common name of "Hican". It was developed to produce a nut with the taste of pecans, but with the weaker shell of the shellbark hickory. This plant has a large tap root and can be difficult to transplant. Dropped fruits, stems, and leaves can be a litter problem. Can be prone to various fungal leaf spots.

When Carya × nussbaumeri has been observed flowering or fruiting at Purdue University





1 Carya × nussbaumeri found

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= Heritage plant = Memorial plant
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Other plants like this Carya × nussbaumeri (Hican)

The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

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