Flower Notes:
White (Fragrant, white wisteria-like flowers (1-1.25" long) in 8-14" long panicles in spring)
Foliage Notes:
Green (Dense, dark green summer foliage); Gold (Yellow to golden-yellow fall foliage)
Stem Notes:
slender, zig-zag, smooth, bright reddish brown, odor and taste of beans or peas
Fruit Notes:
Brown (Flat pods; not ornamentally important)
Soil Notes:
Very tolerant of soil type
North Carolina to Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Odd-pinnately compound leaves (8-12" long). Leaflets (7-9, each 2-3" long) are elliptic to ovate with terminal the largest. Petal base encloses bud. Terminal bud abscent. Bright reddish-brown twigs. Yellowish coloration often appears on smooth gray bark, especially near crotches. Heartwood is yellow.